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Sterling enhances Acterra, adds engines


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Sterling Truck Corporation used the 2004 Mid-America Trucking Show to announce enhancements to its medium-duty Acterra model. Upgrades include new transmission options, factory-installed all-wheel drive, and improved steering. The Mercedes-Benz Automated Gear Shift (AGS) transmission will be available later this year. The two-pedal transmission requires no manual shifting or clutching, allowing operators to focus on the driving task ahead. Eaton Fuller's UltraShift six-speed transmission also is joining the lineup. Combining the reliability and durability of a manual transmission, UltraShift offers increased uptime and lower lifecy-cle costs. Optional factory-installed all-wheel drive (AWD) gives the Acterra four-wheel automatic traction control, using an exclusive automatic lock control transfer case coupled with the standard front and rear wheel traction control systems. AWD axle capacities range from 12,000 to 16,000 pounds.
机译:斯特林卡车公司(Sterling Truck Corporation)在2004年中美洲卡车展上宣布了其中型Acterra模型的增强功能。升级包括新的变速箱选件,工厂安装的全轮驱动和改进的转向。奔驰自动变速(AGS)变速箱将于今年晚些时候上市。两踏板变速箱无需手动换挡或离合器,使操作员可以专注于前方的驾驶任务。伊顿富勒的UltraShift六速变速器也加入了阵容。结合了手动变速箱的可靠性和耐用性,UltraShift提供了更长的正常运行时间和更低的生命周期成本。可选的工厂安装的全轮驱动(AWD)使用专有的自动锁定控制分动箱与标准的前轮和后轮牵引控制系统相结合,为Acterra提供了四轮自动牵引控制。 AWD轴的能力从12,000到16,000磅不等。



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