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Surveillance for infectious diseases in the European Union


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In 1998 a spirited debate over how to organise surveillance for infectious diseases in the European Union culminated in the decision by the European parliament and council to create a scheme for a decentralised network rather than build a large central European surveillance centre. According to the scheme, institutions in member states receive funding to organise European surveillance for one or more related infectious pathogens. Using an approach based on hazard analysis and critical control points, MacLehose and colleagues (p 861) studied how these national networks functioned in five international outbreaks. They identified seven common critical control points and concluded that the networking approach was successful but needed augmentation under a framework of improving existing organisational, financial, and legal uncertainties.
机译:1998年,关于如何在欧盟组织传染病监视的激烈辩论最终导致欧洲议会和理事会决定建立一个分散式网络计划,而不是建立一个大型的中欧监视中心。根据该计划,成员国的机构将获得资金,以组织对一种或多种相关感染性病原体的欧洲监测。 MacLehose及其同事使用了一种基于危害分析和关键控制点的方法(第861页),研究了这些国家网络如何在五次国际疫情中发挥作用。他们确定了七个常见的关键控制点,并得出结论认为,联网方法是成功的,但需要在改善现有组织,财务和法律不确定性的框架下进行扩充。



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