首页> 外文期刊>British Medical Journal >Effectiveness of home based support for older people: systematic review and meta-analysis

Effectiveness of home based support for older people: systematic review and meta-analysis


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Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of home visiting programmes that offer health promotion and preventive care to older people. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis of 15 studies of home visiting. Participants Older people living at home, including frail older people at risk of adverse outcomes. Outcome measures Mortality, admission to hospital, admission to institutional care, functional status, health status. Results Home visiting was associated with a significant reduction in mortality. The pooled odds ratio for eight studies that assessed mortality in members of the general elderly population was 0.76 (95% confidence interval 0.64 to 0.89). Five studies of home visiting to frail older people who were at risk of adverse outcomes also showed a significant reduction in mortality (0.72; 0.54 to 0.97). Home visiting was associated with a significant reduction in admissions to long term institutional care in members of the general elderly population (0.65; 0.46 to 0.91). For three studies of home visiting to frail, "at risk" older people, the pooled odds ratio was 0.55 (0.35 to 0.88). Meta-analysis of six studies of home visiting to members of the general elderly population showed no significant reduction in admissions to hospital (odds ratio 0.95; 0.80 to 1.09). Three studies showed no significant effect on health (standardised effect size 0.06; -0.07 to 0.18). Four studies showed no effect on activities of daily living (0.05; -0.07 to 0.17). Conclusion Home visits to older people can reduce mortality and admission to long term institutional care.
机译:目的评估为老年人提供健康促进和预防保健的家庭访问计划的有效性。对15项家庭访问研究进行设计系统审查和荟萃分析。参与者居住在家里的老年人,包括体弱的老年人,有遭受不良后果的风险。结果指标死亡率,住院,机构护理,功能状况,健康状况。结果家访与死亡率显着降低有关。八项评估普通老年人口死亡率的研究的综合优势比为0.76(95%置信区间0.64至0.89)。五项针对有风险的脆弱老年人的家访研究也显示死亡率显着降低(0.72; 0.54至0.97)。家庭访问与普通老年人中接受长期机构护理的人数显着减少有关(0.65; 0.46至0.91)。对于对“处于危险中”的年老体弱的老年人进行家访的三项研究,综合优势比为0.55(0.35至0.88)。对六项针对普通老年人的家庭访问研究的荟萃分析显示,住院率没有显着下降(优势比为0.95; 0.80至1.09)。三项研究显示对健康无显着影响(标准化影响量为0.06; -0.07至0.18)。四项研究表明对日常生活活动没有影响(0.05; -0.07至0.17)。结论对老年人的家访可以降低死亡率和接受长期机构护理。



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