首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Pharmacology >Role of bradykinin receptors in the renal effects of inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme and endopeptidases 24.11 and 24.15 in conscious rabbits

Role of bradykinin receptors in the renal effects of inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme and endopeptidases 24.11 and 24.15 in conscious rabbits


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1 We tested the effects on systemic haemodynamics and renal function, of inhibition of endopeptidase (EP) 24.15 (E.C., in conscious uninephrectomized rabbits in which the activities of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE, E.C. and neutral endopeptidase (EP 24.11, E.C. were already inhibited. To test the role of bradykinin B_2-receptors in mediating the effects following inhibition of these enzymes, the antagonist Hoe 140 was used. 2 Hoe 140 (0.1 mg kg~(-1), i.v.) did not affect resting mean arterial pressure or heart rate, but antagonized the depressor effect of right atrial administration of bradykinin. The dose-response curve for bradykinin was shifted more than 1000 fold to the right for more than 4 h. Hoe 140 approximately doubled resting urine flow and increased fractional Na~+ excretion from 4.2 to 6.0%; consistent with the hypothesis that it exerts a partial agonist effect on the kidney. 3 Combined inhibition of ACE (captopril; 0.25 mg kg~(-1) plus 0.2 mg kg~(-1)h~(-1)) and EP 24.11 (SCH 39370; 3 mg kg~(-1) plus 3 mg kg~(-1)h~(-1)) was followed by a sustained reduction in arterial pressure ( - 6 ± 2 mmHg) and increase in heart rate (35 ± 7 beats min~(-1)). There was a small increase in renal blood flow (by 6.5 ± 3.2% relative to vehicle-treatment) without a change in glomerular filtration rate, and about a 150% increase in Na~+ excretion. Hoe 140 (0.1 mg kg~(-1), i.v.) pretreatment did not influence the renal effects of captopril and SCH 39370, although it did appear to blunt their hypotensive and tachycardie effects. 4 When EP 24.15 was inhibited with N-[1-(R,S)-carboxy-3-phenylpropyl]-Ala-Ala-Tyr-p-aminobenzo-ate (cFP-AAY-pAB; 5 mg kg~(-1) plus 3 mg kg~(-1)h~(-1), i.v.) in rabbits pretreated with captopril and SCH 39370, no changes in systemic haemodynamics or renal function were observed. 5 We concluded that in conscious uninephrectomized rabbits, EP 24.15 does not play a major role in modulating renal function, at least under conditions where ACE and EP 24.11 are already inhibited. In contrast, ACE and/or EP 24.11 do modulate renal function in this model, but their influences are mediated chiefly through metabolism of peptides other than bradykinin.
机译:1我们在有血管紧张素转化酶(ACE,EC和中性内肽酶活性的清醒无免疫组化兔子中测试了内肽酶(EP)24.15(EC抑制对全身血液动力学和肾脏功能的影响(EP 24.11,EC已被禁止。为了测试缓激肽B_2受体在抑制这些酶后介导的作用中的作用,使用了拮抗剂Hoe 140。 2 Hoe 140(0.1 mg kg〜(-1),i.v.)不影响静息平均动脉压或心率,但拮抗右心房缓激肽的降压作用。缓激肽的剂量反应曲线向右移动超过1000倍,持续超过4小时。 e头140使静息尿液流量增加一倍,并使Na +排泄分数从4.2%增加到6.0%;与它对肾脏产生部分激动剂作用的假设一致。 3联合抑制ACE(卡托普利; 0.25 mg kg〜(-1)加0.2 mg kg〜(-1)h〜(-1))和EP 24.11(SCH 39370; 3 mg kg〜(-1)加3 mg kg〜(-1)h〜(-1))之后,动脉压持续降低(-6±2 mmHg),心率增加(35±7拍打min〜(-1))。肾血流量略有增加(相对于媒介物治疗为6.5±3.2%),而肾小球滤过率没有变化,Na〜+排泄增加了约150%。 140 140(0.1 mg kg〜(-1),i.v.)预处理虽然影响了其降压和心动过速的作用,但并未影响卡托普利和SCH 39370的肾脏作用。 4当EP 24.15被N- [1-(R,S)-羧基-3-苯基丙基] -Ala-Ala-Tyr-对氨基苯甲酸酯(cFP-AAY-pAB; 5 mg kg〜(-1 )和3 mg kg〜(-1)h〜(-1),iv)在卡托普利和SCH 39370预处理的家兔中,未观察到全身血流动力学或肾功能的变化。 5我们得出的结论是,至少在已经抑制ACE和EP 24.11的条件下,在无意识的未切除子宫的兔子中,EP 24.15在调节肾功能中不发挥主要作用。相反,ACE和/或EP 24.11在该模型中确实调节了肾功能,但其影响主要是通过缓激肽以外的其他肽的代谢来介导的。



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