首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Criminology, The >Exploring Paradigms of Crime Reduction

Exploring Paradigms of Crime Reduction


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Using Danish registers for a 1980 birth cohort of 29,944 males with parental information and following up these cases for 25 years, the study considers four paradigms of crime reduction (parental child rearing, structural factors around adolescence, locality and individual resources). Focusing on offenders with first-time convictions for shoplifting (n = 1,989), for burglary (n = 1,324) and for violence (n = 1,901), all four paradigms made a contribution to risk of first-time offending for all three crimes. The counter-factual analysis indicated that a focus on structural issues within a society may have more widespread benefits, but the assumed causal links need to be further explored. The use of population registers, under controlled conditions, provides an important window on criminal careers.
机译:该研究使用丹麦籍1980年出生的队列,其中有29,944名男性有父母的信息,并对这些案例进行了25年的随访,研究考虑了减少犯罪的四个范式(父母育儿,青春期周围的结构性因素,地区和个人资源)。重点关注那些因首次入店行窃(n = 1,989),入室盗窃(n = 1,324)和暴力(n = 1,901)被首次定罪的罪犯,所有这四种范例都对这三项犯罪的初犯风险做出了贡献。反事实分析表明,关注社会内部的结构性问题可能会带来更广泛的收益,但是需要进一步探索假定的因果关系。在受控条件下使用人口登记册为犯罪职业提供了重要的窗口。



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