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Adoption of artificial intelligence integrated CRM system: an empirical study of Indian organizations


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Purpose - The purpose of this study is to explore the behavioral intention of the employees to adopt artificial intelligence (AI) integrated customer relationship management (CRM) system in Indian organizations. Design/methodology/approach - To identify the factors impacting the behavioral intention of the employees to adopt AI integrated CRM system in Indian organizations helps of literature review and theories have been takea Thereafter, some hypotheses have been formulated followed by the development of a theoretical model conceptually. The model has been tested statistically for validation using a survey by considering 308 usable respondents. Findings - The results of this study show that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use directly impact the behavioral intention of the employees to adopt an AI integrated CRM system in organizations. Also, these two exogenous factors impact the behavioral intention of the employees to adopt an AI integrated CRM system mediating through two intermediate variables such as utilitarian attitude (UTA) and hedonic attitude (HEA). The proposed model has achieved predictive power of 67%. Research limitations/implications - By the help of the technology acceptance model and motivational theory, the predictors of behavioral intention to adopt AI integrated CRM systems in organizations were identified. The effectiveness of the model was strengthened by the consideration of two employee-centric attitudinal attributes such as UTA and HEA, which is claimed to have provided contributions to the extant literature. The proposed theoretical model claims a special theoretical contribution as no extant literature considered the effects of leadership support as a moderator for the adoption of an AI integrated CRM system in Indian organizations. Practical implications - The model implies that the employees using AI integrated CRM system in organizations must be made aware of the usefulness of the system and the employees must not face any complexity to use the system. For this, the managers of the concerned organizations must create a conducive atmosphere congenial for the employees to use the AI integrated CRM system in the organizations. Originality/value - Studies covering exploration of the adoption of AI integrated CRM systems in Indian organizations are found to be in a rudimentary stage and in that respect, this study claims to have possessed its uniqueness.
机译:目的 - 本研究的目的是探讨员工在印度组织采用人工智能(AI)综合客户关系管理(CRM)系统的行为意图。设计/方法/方法 - 确定影响雇员行为意图的因素在印度组织中采用AI综合CRM系统,在此后,有些假设已被制定,其次是理论模型的发展之后。概念上。通过考虑308可用受访者,使用调查进行统计测试,验证验证。调查结果 - 本研究结果表明,感知有用性和感知的易用性直接影响员工的行为意向在组织中采用AI综合CRM系统。此外,这两个外源性因素会影响员工的行为意图,采用通过两个中间变量的AI综合CRM系统,例如功利态态度(UTA)和燕兜姿态(HEA)。拟议的模型实现了67%的预测力。研究限制/影响 - 通过技术验收模型和动机理论的帮助,确定了在组织中采用AI集成CRM系统的行为意图的预测因素。通过审议两个员工为中心的态度属性,如UTA和HEA,据称为现存文学提供了贡献,得到了这一模型的有效性。拟议的理论模型声称,由于没有现存文献认为领导者支持作为采用印度组织的AI综合CRM系统的主持人的效果,所以没有特别的理论贡献。实际意义 - 该模型意味着必须在组织中使用AI集成CRM系统的员工意识到系统的有用性,员工不得面临任何复杂性以使用该系统。为此,有关组织的管理人员必须为员工制造一个有利的气氛,以便在组织中使用AI综合CRM系统。原创性/价值 - 涵盖了探索印度组织采用AI集成CRM系统的研究,发现是在初期,在这方面,这项研究声称已拥有其独特性。



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