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How information acceptance model predicts customer loyalty? A study from perspective of eWOM information


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Purpose - This study aims to explore the influence of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) in social media on customer loyalty by using the information acceptance model (IACM). For this purpose, this study identified the relationship of attitude towards information, information credibility, information quality and information with information usefulness. Later, the relation of information usefulness and information adoption was examined. According to the IACM, this information adoption and attitude towards information can affect behavioural outcomes of customer, and the authors used customer loyalty as a behavioural outcome. Design/methodology/approach - This study collected the data from students enrolled in different universities of Thailand More specifically, those students were considered appropriate for study who were active Facebook users. Therefore, a questionnaire was posted in 83 different Facebook groups of university students, from which 771 students responded properly. SPSS and AMOS 24 were used to conduct data reliability, descriptive and correlation analysis, oonfirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation modelling (SEM). Findings - The study found that credibility, quality, usefulness and adoption of information, need of information and attitude towards information are the key factors of eWOM in social media that influence consumers' loyalty. Practical implications - This study will be helpful for marketing managers in studying patterns of customer loyalty because many studies have previously examined purchase behaviour or purchase intention only. Moreover, it will provide framework to marketers for understanding the influence of eWOM information in social media on customer loyalty. Originality/value - This study is to explore the effect of credibility, quality, usefulness and adoption of information, need of information and attitude towards information on consumers' loyalty.
机译:目的 - 本研究旨在利用信息验收模型(IACM)探索社交媒体中的电子词(EWOM)对客户忠诚度的影响。为此,本研究确定了对信息,信息可信度,信息质量和信息的态度与信息有用的关系。后来,审查了信息有用和信息采用的关系。根据IACM,这些信息采用和对信息的态度可能会影响客户的行为结果,而作者使用客户忠诚度作为行为结果。设计/方法/方法 - 本研究收集了泰国不同大学纳入泰国的学生的数据,这些学生被认为适合谁是积极的Facebook用户。因此,在大学生的83个不同的Facebook集团中发布了问卷,771名学生正确地回应。 SPSS和AMOS 24用于进行数据可靠性,描述性和相关性分析,Oonfirmuty因子分析(CFA)和结构方程模型(SEM)。调查结果 - 该研究发现,信息,信息的可信度,质量,有用和采用,信息和信息态度是影响消费者忠诚的EWOM的关键因素。实际意义 - 本研究将有助于营销经理在学习客户忠诚模式方面,因为许多研究以前检查了购买行为或购买意向。此外,它将为营销人员提供框架,以了解EWOM信息在社交媒体上的影响到客户忠诚度。原创性/价值 - 本研究是探讨信誉,质量,有用和采用信息的效果,信息和对消费者忠诚信息的信息的需求。



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