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The facts of continuing professional development for LIS professionals in Pakistan: a literature review


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Purpose - Continuous professional development is an essential in-service and on-going learning process that provides an opportunity to young and mid-career professionals to update and align their skills in connection with the contemporary needs of library users. This study aims to identify and synthesize the literature on continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities for Pakistani librarians and information professionals. Design/methodology/approach - This study is based on descriptive literature review published by Pakistani researchers with specific reference to Pakistani librarians and information professionals. Findings - The findings revealed that albeit many initiatives have been taken by library and information science (LIS) schools and professional associations for developing the capabilities of librarians and information professionals, however, these initiatives remained spasmodic and limited to developing surface-level skills. Some emerging areas need to be addressed including information/digital literacy, research data management, data analysis and visualization and the skills to establish institutional repositories. Research limitations/implications - The study was limited to CPD literature contributed by Pakistani researchers and the efforts taken by LIS schools and professional associations. Originality/value - There is an immediate need to initiate a cohesive approach involving key stakeholders and to establish a platform purely working for CPD of librarians and information professionals focusing on current and future needs. The finding will be helpful for drawing foundation guidelines by library associations, LIS schools and librarian's parent's organizations regarding CPD opportunities.
机译:目的 - 持续的专业发展是一个必不可由的服务和正在进行的学习过程,为年轻和中等事业专业人员提供了有机会更新和对齐他们与图书馆用户的当代需求相关的技能。本研究旨在识别和综合持续职业发展(CPD)对巴基斯坦图书馆员和信息专业人士的机会的文献。设计/方法/方法 - 本研究基于巴基斯坦研究人员与巴基斯坦图书馆员和信息专业人员发表的描述性文献综述。调查结果表明,虽然虽然有许多举措,但图书馆和信息科学(LIS)学校和专业协会,旨在制定图书馆员和信息专业人员的能力,这些举措仍然是痉挛性的,并限于开发表面级技能。一些新兴地区需要解决,包括信息/数字识字,研究数据管理,数据分析和可视化以及建立机构存储库的技能。研究限制/影响 - 该研究仅限于巴基斯坦研究人员的CPD文献,以及LIS学校和专业协会所采取的努力。原创性/价值 - 立即需要启动涉及关键利益相关者的凝聚力的方法,并建立一个专注于当前和未来需求的图书馆员和信息专业人员的平台。该发现将有助于通过图书馆协会,LIS学校和图书馆员的父母的组织绘制基础指南,了解CPD机会。



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