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Comparison of biomass production in coppice and single stem woodland management systems on an imperfectly drained gley soil in central Scotland


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A comparison of biomass production from single stems and coppice has been carried out in Lanarkshire, Scotland. The site comprises a noncalcareous grey at 210 m above sea level and has a cool, temperate climate with 1100 mm precipitation. Red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) and balsam spire poplar (Populus balsamifera var. Michauxii (Henry)× Populus trichocarpa var. Hastata (Dode) Farwell) were grown at 1.0 m spacing as coppice or single stems and at 1.5 m spacing as single stems only. Common osier willow (Salix viminalis L.) was also grown as coppice at 1.0 m spacing. Trees were planted in May 1989 and the coppice was cut back in the winter following planting. High mortality occurred in the red alder following coppicing and this reduced the stocking by 50.
机译:在苏格兰的拉纳克郡,已经对单茎和矮灌木林的生物量生产进行了比较。该地点在海拔210 m处呈灰褐色,气候凉爽,温度为1100 mm。红色al木(Alnus rubra Bong。)和香脂尖顶杨树(Populus balsamifera var。Michauxii(Henry)×杨树Populus trichocarpa var。Hastata(Dode)Farwell)分别以1.0 m的间隔和小枝或1.5 m的间隔生长。仅茎。常见的柳叶柳(Salix viminalis L.)也以小灌木丛在1.0 m的距离处生长。 1989年5月种植了树木,并在种植后的冬季砍伐了小灌木林。 al尾后,红mortality鱼发生高死亡率,这使放养减少了50头。



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