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HiRes - a tool for comprehensive assessment and interpretation of metabolomic data


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The increasing role of metabolomics in system biology is driving the development of tools for comprehensive analysis of high-resolution NMR spectral datasets. This task is quite challenging since unlike the datasets resulting from other 'omics', a substantial preprocessing of the data is needed to allow successful identification of spectral patterns associated with relevant biological variability. HiRes is a unique stand-alone software tool that combines standard NMR spectral processing functionalities with techniques for multi-spectral dataset analysis, such as principal component analysis and non-negative matrix factorization. In addition, HiRes contains extensive abilities for data cleansing, such as baseline correction, solvent peak suppression, removal of frequency shifts owing to experimental conditions as well as auxiliary information management. Integration of these components together with multivariate analytical procedures makes HiRes very capable of addressing the challenges for assessment and interpretation of large metabolomic datasets, greatly simplifying this otherwise lengthy and difficult process and assuring optimal information retrieval.
机译:代谢组学在系统生物学中的日益重要的作用推动了对高分辨率NMR光谱数据集进行综合分析的工具的开发。这项任务非常具有挑战性,因为与其他“组学”产生的数据集不同,需要对数据进行大量预处理才能成功识别与相关生物变异性相关的光谱模式。 HiRes是一个独特的独立软件工具,结合了标准NMR光谱处理功能和用于多光谱数据集分析的技术,例如主成分分析和非负矩阵分解。此外,HiRes还具有广泛的数据清理功能,例如基线校正,溶剂峰抑制,实验条件导致的频移消除以及辅助信息管理。这些组件与多元分析程序的集成使HiRes非常有能力应对大型代谢组学数据集的评估和解释挑战,从而大大简化了原本冗长而又困难的过程,并确保了最佳信息检索。



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