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Women Exist in Science in More Places Than Just Academia


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This new bi-annual column, "AWIS Corporate Corner" has been added to the spectacular offerings of AWIS Magazine because, as a freshly minted member of the AWIS Board, I wanted to make an immediate and tangible contribution to the organization on a much broader level than I have been able to do as a member of my local San Diego Chapter. I thought my contribution should be one that would have a great impact on the future of all women in science and engineering disciplines for years to come. What better way to do this than to ensure that the value of AWIS is known to all global corporate entities engaged in scientific or engineering business activities, whether large or small? In addition, the purpose of this column is to educate corporations about the multifold benefits of contributions to AWIS. It is important that the national umbrella organization of AWIS continues to be financially viable and establish an endowment that will ensure the ongoing presence of the organization for as long as it is needed. This is where corporations can help!
机译:这个新的半年刊专栏“ AWIS Corporate Corner”已添加到“ AWIS杂志”的引人注目的产品中,因为作为AWIS董事会的新成员,我想在更广泛的范围内为该组织做出直接而切实的贡献比我作为当地圣地亚哥分会成员所能做到的水平。我认为我的贡献应该是对未来几年科学和工程学科中所有妇女的未来产生重大影响的贡献。有什么比确保AWIS的价值为从事科学或工程业务活动的所有全球公司实体(无论大小)都更好的方法呢?另外,本专栏的目的是教育公司有关AWIS捐款的多重好处。重要的是,AWIS的国家总​​括组织在财务上应继续保持生存力,并建立一项能够确保该组织在需要时一直存在的捐赠基金。这是公司可以提供帮助的地方!



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