
Fat Girl


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Developing a big airlifter in nine years would not be a bad performance for an experienced manufacturer of jet transports. For Avic, which has begun deliveries of the Y-20 Kunpeng, turning out the 200-metric-ton (440,000 lb.) aircraft in that time looks like quite an achievement. The program has laid a foundation for future large-aircraft programs, say state media, which also report that another, bigger airlifter is planned. Avic was already known to have proposed a smaller airlifter, the Y-30. The four-engine Y-20 was delivered in June and entered service in July with the Saturn D-30KP medium-bypass tur-bofan or a local version called the WS-18. A later version of the aircraft should be powered by the Chinese WS-20 high-bypass turbofan. Deliveries have begun earlier than expected, maybe earlier than the air force expected. In 2013, two military academics who likely had knowledge of the program said the type could not enter service before 2017. The aircraft, in the weight class of the Ilyushin Il-76 but wider and shorter, first flew in January 2013 (AW&ST Feb. 4, 2013, p. 26).
机译:对于经验丰富的喷气运输机制造商来说,在九年内开发出大型空运机的成绩并不差。对于已经开始交付Y-20 Kunpeng的中航而言,在那段时间内生产出200公吨(44万磅)的飞机似乎是一项巨大的成就。官方媒体说,该计划为未来的大型飞机计划奠定了基础,该媒体还报道说,计划中的另一架更大的飞机。众所周知,阿维克(Avic)提出了一种较小的空运机Y-30。四引擎的Y-20于6月交付,并于7月与土星D-30KP中型旁路涡轮增压器或称为WS-18的本地版本一起投入使用。该飞机的后续版本应由中国的WS-20高旁路涡轮风扇提供动力。交付工作早于预期,也许早于空军预期。 2013年,两名可能了解该计划的军事学者表示,该机型无法在2017年之前投入使用。这架飞机的重量级为Ilyushin Il-76,但更宽,更短,于2013年1月首飞(AW&ST 2月。 2013年4月,第26页)。



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