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Off-the-shelf images


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The message carried by a corporate presentation usually begins as an idea summed up by words such as teamwork, winning, focus, family, co-operation, and determination. These words are strong in their own right, but they are even stronger when accompanied by illustrative images. What embodies focus better than a stalking jaguar? And sums up winning better than Bobby Moore. Those images and thousands of other clips can be used to emphasise a company's message and are available from footage and archive libraries - historic and household names such as British Pathe, ITN, British Movietone News, Associated Press (AP), Getty Images and, of course, the BBC. Over the years, they have built up a resource that not only chronicles the events and personalities of the 20th century, coming up to date, but also encompasses social history, nature, science, technology and general lifestyle.
机译:企业演讲中传达的信息通常是通过一个想法来概括的,例如团队合作,获胜,专注,家庭,合作和决心。这些词本身就很强大,但是当带有说明性图像时,它们甚至会更强大。有什么体现比专注的美洲虎更好的聚焦?总结起来,胜利比鲍比·摩尔更好。这些图像和数千个其他剪辑可用于强调公司的信息,并且可以从素材库和档案库中获得-历史和家喻户晓的名称,例如Br​​itish Pathe,ITN,British Movietone News,Associated Press(AP),Getty Images和当然,英国广播公司。多年来,他们积累了资源,不仅记录了最新的20世纪事件和人物,而且还涵盖了社会历史,自然,科学,技术和一般生活方式。



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