首页> 外文期刊>Atmospheric research >Characteristics of annual, seasonal, and diurnal precipitation in the Southeastern United States derived from long-term remotely sensed data

Characteristics of annual, seasonal, and diurnal precipitation in the Southeastern United States derived from long-term remotely sensed data


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The objective of this paper is to investigate long-term inter-annual, seasonal, and diurnal rainfall characteristics in the Southeastern United States. In order to capture precipitation features at high resolution, we use precipitation estimates from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM); the TRMM Precipitation Radar (TPR 2A25: 0.05° × 0.05°/daily) and the TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA 3B42: 0.25° × 0.25° /3-h) datasets to create a 13-year rainfall climatology. The higher resolution climatology (2A25) displays a greater ability to capture more localized landform precipitation features when compared with 3B42. On an annual basis, the Southeastern US is characterized by a succession of cold and warm precipitation regimes. The cold season is characterized by higher rain intensity West of 82°W (roughly Atlanta, GA) and the warm season is characterized by higher rain intensity over the coastal areas. The cold/warm rainfall regime duality is modulated by local topographic characteristics that prevail along a W-E direction. During the cold season, the diurnal cycle of precipitation is characterized by a quasi-constant repartition of rain events throughout the day and an absence of land/ocean contrast. On the contrary for summertime there is a strong land/ocean signature with a predominance of late morning/early afternoon (12:00-15:00LST) rainfall over ocean and afternoon/early evening (15:00-18:00LST) precipitation events over land that account for more than 25% of the daily events along the coasts. Differences are observed for the Florida peninsula, where the diurnal cycle displays an afternoon maximum of variable intensity due to sea breeze effects regardless of the season.
机译:本文的目的是调查美国东南部的长期年际,季节和日降雨特征。为了获得高分辨率的降水特征,我们使用了热带降雨测量团(TRMM)的降水量估算值; TRMM降水雷达(TPR 2A25:0.05°×0.05°/日)和TRMM多卫星降水分析(TMPA 3B42:0.25°×0.25°/ 3-h)数据集创建了13年的降雨气候学。与3B42相比,更高分辨率的气候学(2A25)表现出更大的捕获更多局部地形降水特征的能力。每年,美国东南部都有连续的冷,热降水制度。寒冷季节的特征是西经82°W(乔治亚州亚特兰大)的降雨强度较高​​,而温暖季节的特征是沿海地区的降雨强度较高​​。冷/暖降雨制度的对偶性由沿W-E方向普遍存在的局部地形特征调制。在寒冷季节,降水的昼夜周期的特征是全天降雨事件几乎恒定地重新分配,并且没有陆地/海洋的对比。相反,夏季有强烈的陆地/海洋特征,主要是海洋中的清晨/傍晚(12:00-15:00LST)降雨以及下午/傍晚(15:00-18:00LST)的降水事件在陆地上占沿海地区日常活动的25%以上。在佛罗里达半岛观察到差异,在该季节,由于海风的影响,无论季节如何,昼夜周期都显示下午最大强度的变化。



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