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Alberto Alesina: The Science of Using Political Economy Concepts to Explain the Macroeconomic Landscape

机译:Alberto Alesina:使用政治经济学概念解释宏观经济格局的科学

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Alberto Alesina is distinguished for having introduced, or more properly re-introduced, political economy considerations into macroeconomic policy analysis. His seminal contributions to the problems of fiscal consolidation and the optimal size and number of nations (or the possibility that nations or economic unions might find it in their interest to break-up) are as relevant today as ever. They are reviewed here, and set in a debt targeting framework that allows them to be deployed to maximum advantage.
机译:阿尔贝托·阿莱西纳(Alberto Alesina)的杰出之处在于将政治经济学方面的考虑引入或更恰当地重新引入了宏观经济政策分析。他对财政整顿问题以及国家的最佳规模和国家数目(或国家或经济联盟可能出于解散的利益而寻找可能性)问题的开创性今天与以往一样重要。在这里对其进行审查,并设置在债务定向框架中,该框架可使它们被部署以发挥最大的优势。



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