首页> 外文期刊>Astrobiology >Surface and Downhole Prospecting Tools for Planetary Exploration: Tests of Neutron and Gamma Ray Probes

Surface and Downhole Prospecting Tools for Planetary Exploration: Tests of Neutron and Gamma Ray Probes


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The ability to locate and characterize icy deposits and other hydrogenous materials on the Moon and Mars will help us understand the distribution of water and, therefore, possible habitats at Mars, and may help us locate primitive prebiotic compounds at the Moon's poles. We have developed a rover-borne neutron probe that localizes a near-surface icy deposit and provides information about its burial depth and abundance. We have also developed a borehole neutron probe to determine the stratigraphy of hydrogenous subsurface layers while operating within a drill string segment. In our field tests, we have used a neutron source to "illuminate" surrounding materials and gauge the instruments' efficacy, and we can simulate accurately the observed instrument responses using a Monte Carlo nuclear transport code (MCNPX). An active neutron source would not be needed for lunar or martian near-surface exploration: cosmic-ray interactions provide sufficient neutron flux to depths of several meters and yield better depth and abundance sensitivity than an active source. However, for deep drilling (≥10 m depth), a source is required. We also present initial tests of a borehole gamma ray lithodensity tool and demonstrate its utility in determining soil or rock densities and composition.
机译:在月球和火星上定位和表征冰冷沉积物和其他含氢物质的能力将帮助我们了解水的分布以及火星可能的栖息地,并有助于我们在月球两极定位原始的益生元化合物。我们已经开发出了一个漫游者传播的中子探测器,该探测器可以定位近表面的冰冷矿床并提供有关其埋藏深度和丰度的信息。我们还开发了一种钻孔中子探头,可确定在钻柱段内运行时地下含氢层的地层学。在我们的现场测试中,我们使用了一个中子源来“照亮”周围的材料并评估仪器的功效,并且我们可以使用蒙特卡洛核传输代码(MCNPX)准确地模拟观察到的仪器响应。月球或火星的近地表探测将不需要有源中子源:宇宙射线相互作用可提供足够的中子通量至几米的深度,并且比有源源具有更好的深度和丰度灵敏度。但是,对于深钻孔(深度≥10 m),则需要一个源。我们还介绍了井眼伽马射线密度仪的初步测试,并证明了其在确定土壤或岩石密度和组成方面的效用。



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