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An analysis of the Gezi Park social movement tweets


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Purpose: Twitter usage during Gezi Park Protests, a significant large-scale connective action, is analyzed to reveal meaningful findings on individual and group tweeting characteristics. Subsequent to the Arab Spring in terms of its timing, the Gezi Park Protests began by the spread of news on construction plans to build a shopping mall at a public park in Taksim Square in Istanbul on May 26, 2013. Though started as a small-scale local protest, it emerged into a series of multi-regional social protests, also known as the Gezi Park demonstrations. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach: The authors sought answers to three important research questions: whether Twitter usage is reflective of real life events, what Twitter is actually used for, and is Twitter usage contagious? The authors have collected streamed data from Twitter. As a research methodology, the authors followed social media analytics framework proposed by Fan and Gordon (2014), which included three consecutive processes; capturing, understanding, and presenting. An analysis of 54 million publicly available tweets and 3.5 million foursquare check-ins, which account to randomly selected 1 percent of all tweets and check-ins posted from Istanbul, Turkey between March and September 2013 are presented. Findings: A perceived lack of sufficient media coverage on events taking place on the streets is believed to result in Turkish protestors’ use of Twitter as a medium to share and get information on ongoing and planned demonstrations, to learn the recent news, to participate in the debate, and to create local and global awareness. Research limitations/implications: Data collection via streamed tweets comes with certain limitations. Twitter restricts data collection on publicly available tweets and only allows randomly selected 1 percent of all tweets posted from a specific region. Therefore, the authors’ data include only tweets of publicly available Twitter profiles. The generalizability of the findings should be regarded with concerning this limitation. Practical implications: The authors conclude that Twitter was used mainly as a platform to exchange information to organize street demonstrations. Originality/value: The authors conclude that Twitter usage reflected Street movements on a chronological level. Finally, the authors present that Twitter usage is contagious whereas tweeting is not necessarily.
机译:目的:分析Gezi Park抗议活动期间的Twitter使用情况(这是一项重大的大规模关联活动),以揭示有关个人和团体推文特征的有意义的发现。就时间安排而言,“阿拉伯之春”之后,盖兹公园抗议活动从2013年5月26日在伊斯坦布尔塔克西姆广场的公共公园建造购物中心的建设计划的新闻传播开始。大规模的局部抗议活动,后来演变成一系列多地区的社会抗议活动,也称为葛孜公园示威游行。本文旨在讨论这些问题。设计/方法/方法:作者寻求三个重要研究问题的答案:Twitter的使用是否反映了现实生活中的事件,Twitter的实际用途以及Twitter的使用具有传染性?作者从Twitter收集了流数据。作为研究方法,作者遵循了Fan and Gordon(2014)提出的社交媒体分析框架,该框架包括三个连续的过程。捕捉,理解和呈现。提出了对5400万条公开发布的推文和350万条四方签到的分析,该分析占2013年3月至2013年9月从土耳其伊斯坦布尔发布的所有推文和签到的随机选择的1%。调查结果:人们认为缺乏足够的媒体报道街头发生的事件,这导致土耳其示威者使用Twitter作为分享和获取正在进行和计划中的示威活动的信息的媒介,以了解最新消息,并参与其中。辩论,并建立本地和全球意识。研究局限性/含义:通过流式推文收集数据具有某些局限性。 Twitter限制了公开发布的推文上的数据收集,并且仅允许从特定区域发布的所有推文中随机选择1%。因此,作者的数据仅包含公开可用的Twitter个人资料的推文。研究结果的普遍性应考虑到这一限制。实际意义:作者得出的结论是,Twitter主要用作交换信息以组织街头游行示威的平台。原创性/价值:作者得出的结论是,Twitter的使用按时间顺序反映了街道的移动。最后,作者提出Twitter使用具有传染性,而发推不一定。



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