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The information of story: the genre and information activities of ultrarunning race reports


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the “race report” as a document genre in the serious-leisure pursuit of ultrarunning. Despite the sport’s largely non-documental nature, race reports stand as an anomaly in their importance. This exploration serves as a springboard to investigate the informativeness of story in human life generally. Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative survey of the information behavior of ultrarunners was conducted. The 46 participants were runners in a 100-mile footrace in 2016. Responses were first analyzed through phenomenological theme analysis and then were subjected to a deductive audit using a framework of information activities validated for use in serious-leisure pursuits. Findings: Race reports are bound up in information activities across the information-communication chain. Race reports help athletes choose races, prepare for races, pre-experience races, communicate their race experiences, gather new ideas, extend their training and, finally, find entertainment. Research limitations/implications: This discussion of genre is synchronic, largely limited to one moment in time, and its findings were limited in depth by the survey method. Further research should investigate race reports historically (diachronically) and infrastructurally. Originality/value: This work points to symbiosis between genre theory and information behavior theory. It also legitimizes narrative reasoning as a way of knowing, which has been largely unrecognized in information behavior. Some implications of this for information science and technology are discussed.
机译:目的:本文的目的是探索“竞赛报告”作为认真追求超跑的一种文件体裁。尽管这项运动基本上没有文件记录,但种族报告的重要性却与众不同。这项探索是研究整个人类故事中信息丰富程度的跳板。设计/方法/方法:对超跑者的信息行为进行了定性调查。 46名参与者是2016年参加100英里长跑比赛的跑步者。首先通过现象学主题分析对回应进行分析,然后使用经过验证可用于严肃休闲活动的信息活动框架进行演绎审核。结果:种族报告绑定在整个信息通信链的信息活动中。比赛报告可帮助运动员选择比赛,为比赛做准备,体验前比赛,交流他们的比赛经历,收集新想法,扩展他们的训练并最终找到娱乐机会。研究的局限性/意义:这种体裁的讨论是同步的,在很大程度上仅限于某一时刻,其调查结果在深度上受到调查方法的限制。进一步的研究应从历史上(历时)和基础设施调查种族报告。创意/价值:这项工作指出了体裁理论与信息行为理论之间的共生关系。它还将叙事推理合法化为一种认知方式,而信息行为在很大程度上尚未被人们所认识。讨论了这对信息科学和技术的意义。



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