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Critique on the notion of model minority: an alternative racism to Asian American?


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This research note attempts to probe how contemporary racism has evolved to replace physical characteristics with cultural traits by examining the notion of model minority in America. The analysis begins by positing that this notion manifests a problematic deployment of cultural differences. A short historical review justifies that model minority is generated and maintained by a stereotyped understanding of Asian tradition, especially Confucianism. Racial antagonism and class consciousness are then invoked by fostering essentialist ideas of cultural traditions. While America advocates its democratic system of inclusion, the logic of 'model minority' suggests an 'internal exclusion'. The implications of model minority are thus that: (1) 'race' is replaced by 'cultural difference' - when cultural racism replaces biological racism, race is subsumed into a pure realm of cultural difference and race as a sociohistorical category becomes obscured; (2) the deployment of cultural differences creates an illusion that US society has already reached 'color-blind', and therefore neglects the social oppression and inequality along racial lines; (3) in the transforming process from a biologistic conception of race to a culturalist one, cultural differences are deployed to differentiate Asia(n) from American(n). Cultural differences are by all means essentialized, and race is furthermore reduced to essentialized cultural differences.
机译:这份研究报告试图通过研究美国模范少数群体的概念,探讨当代种族主义如何演变成用文化特征代替身体特征的现象。分析首先假设该概念表明文化差异的部署存在问题。简短的历史回顾证明,通过对亚洲传统尤其是儒家传统的刻板印象,就产生并维护了少数族裔。然后,通过培养文化传统的本质主义思想来激发种族对抗和阶级意识。在美国倡导民主包容制度的同时,“模范少数派”的逻辑则暗示了“内部排斥”。因此,模范少数群体的含义是:(1)“种族”被“文化差异”代替-当文化种族主义取代生物种族主义时,种族被归类为文化差异的纯粹领域,而种族被社会历史范畴所掩盖; (2)文化差异的部署造成一种幻觉,即美国社会已经达到“色盲”状态,因此忽视了种族主义的社会压迫和不平等; (3)在从种族的生物学概念到文化主义者的转变过程中,文化差异被用来区分亚洲(n)和美国人(n)。一定要文化差异,而种族又必须缩小为文化差异。



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