首页> 外文期刊>Asia Pacific Business Review >Foreign retailers in post-WTO China: stories of success and setbacks

Foreign retailers in post-WTO China: stories of success and setbacks


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This study revisits the foreign retailers in the post-WTO China with two objectives: (1) to analyze the market penetration and performance of the major foreign retailers; and (2) to examine their varying corporate strategies. Market penetration of the foreign retailers has taken place in two directions simultaneously: from the eastern coastal region to the western interior, and from large urban centers to second- and third-tier cities. None of the foreign retailers in China has passed through the complete model described by Dawson (2003) and their levels of market penetration and performance vary greatly. Clearly, the Western retailers, which possess the most resources and advanced information technologies and do business in new retail formats, are taking the lead in penetrating the Chinese market. The Southeast Asian retailers have also expanded with impressive results, but their staying power is unclear. Although the Japanese retailers received the least negative publicity, they have made the least inroad in penetrating the Chinese market.
机译:这项研究重新审视了加入世贸组织后的中国中的外国零售商,其目标是两个:(1)分析主要外国零售商的市场渗透率和表现; (2)研究他们不同的公司策略。外国零售商的市场渗透同时发生在两个方向:从东部沿海地区到西部内陆,以及从大型城市中心到二,三线城市。中国没有一家外国零售商采用Dawson(2003)所描述的完整模型,其市场渗透率和业绩水平差异很大。显然,拥有最多资源和先进信息技术并以新零售形式开展业务的西方零售商正在率先打入中国市场。东南亚零售商也取得了不错的成绩,但其持久力尚不清楚。尽管日本零售商受到的负面影响最少,但它们在渗透中国市场方面的介入最少。



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