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Cultural perspectives on the development of the retail trade, East and West


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This essay examines how historical and cultural factors have influenced the current position of the retail trade, in the cultures and economies of South Asia and, in particular, Malaysia. The importance of history and cultural context in understanding the globalization of business is well accepted (Warner and Rowley 2006) but historical studies of commerce have generally focused on long distance trade, not on retail trade. Throughout history, elites have typically held trade and traders in low regard, especially retail traders operating in the mainstream market. It was not until the twentieth century that retail trade became generally recognized as a positive social force. While different cultures have conditioned trade entrepreneurs in different ways, hostile cultural attitudes have acted to depress the entrepreneurial spirit of retail traders in the region, restrict the retail services available to consumers and - given the relatively limited development of local retailing - reduce the ability to compete with international retailers today.
机译:本文探讨了历史和文化因素如何影响零售业在南亚,尤其是马来西亚的文化和经济中的地位。历史和文化背景在理解商业全球化中的重要性已为人们所接受(Warner和Rowley 2006),但是商业的历史研究通常集中于长途贸易,而不是零售贸易。纵观历史,精英们通常对贸易商和贸易商的态度不高,尤其是在主流市场上经营的零售贸易商。直到二十世纪,零售贸易才被普遍认为是一种积极的社会力量。尽管不同的文化以不同的方式制约着贸易企业家,但敌对的文化态度却压抑了该地区零售贸易商的企业家精神,限制了向消费者提供的零售服务,并且(鉴于当地零售业的发展相对有限)降低了与国际零售商竞争。



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