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Deductivism and the Informal Fallacies


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This essay proposes and defends a general thesis concerning the nature of fallacies of reasoning. These in distinctive ways are all said to be deductively invalid. More importantly, the most accurate, complete and charitable reconstructions of these species and specimens of the informal fallacies are instructive with respect to the individual character of each distinct informal fallacy. Reconstructions of the fallacies as deductive invalidities are possible in every case, if deductivism is true, which means that in every case they should be formalizable in an expressively comprehensive formal symbolic deductive logic. The general thesis is illustrated by a detailed examination of Walter Burleigh's paradox in his c. 1323 work, De Puritate Artis Logicae Tractatus Longior (Longer Treatise on the Purity of Logic), as a challenge to the deductive validity of hypothetical syllogism. The paradox has the form, ‹If I call you a swine, then I call you an animal; if I call you an animal, then I speak truly; therefore, if I call you a swine, then I speak truly'. Several solutions to the problem are considered, and the inference is exposed as an instance of the common deductive fallacy of equivocation.
机译:本文提出并捍卫了关于推理谬论性质的一般性论点。这些都以独特的方式被认为是演绎无效的。更重要的是,对这些物种和非正式谬论的标本进行最准确,完整和慈善的重建对于每个独特的非正式谬论的个性都有启发性。如果演绎主义是正确的,那么在任何情况下都可能将谬误重构为演绎无效性,这意味着在每种情况下都应以表达方式全面的形式化象征性演绎逻辑形式化谬论。通过仔细检查沃尔特·伯利(Walter Burleigh)的悖论,可以说明一般性论点。 1323年的著作《论逻辑纯性的长篇论着》(De Puritate Artis Logicae Tractatus Longior),对假设三段论的演绎有效性提出了挑战。悖论具有以下形式:‹如果我称你为猪,那么我称你为动物;如果我叫你一种动物,那我说的很真实。因此,如果我叫你猪,那我说的就是真的。考虑了对该问题的几种解决方案,并且推论是作为模棱两可的常见演绎谬误的一个实例而公开的。



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