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Perelman, ad Hominem Argument, and Rhetorical Ethos

机译:佩雷尔曼(Perelman),《 Hominem论据》和《修辞精神》

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Perelman’s view of the role of persons in argument is one of the most distinctive features of his break with Cartesian assumptions about reasoning. Whereas the rationalist paradigm sought to minimize or eliminate personal considerations by dismissing them as distracting and irrelevant, Perelman insists that argumentation inevitably does and ought to place stress on the specific persons engaged in an argument and that the relationship between speaker and what is spoken is always relevant and important. In taking this position, Perelman implicitly revives the classical conception of proof by character (ethos or “ethotic” argument), but despite an extended discussion of act and person in argument, The New Rhetoric does not give much consideration to the classical concept and confuses differing approaches to it within the tradition. The result is that Perelman treats the role of the speaker in argument only by reference to abstract techniques and does not recognize the importance of examining particular cases in order to thicken understanding of how ethotic argument works in the complex, situated context of its actual use. Consequently, Perelman’s account of the role of persons in argument should be supplement by reference to case studies, and to that end, I consider ethotic argument in W.E.B. Du Bois’ famous essay “Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others”.
机译:佩雷尔曼(Perelman)对人在争论中的角色的看法是他与笛卡尔关于推理的假设破裂的最鲜明特征之一。理性主义范式试图通过将个人考虑因素分散为无关紧要和无关紧要的方式来尽量减少或消除个人考虑因素,而佩雷尔曼则坚持认为,论证不可避免地会这样做,并且应该对参与争论的特定人员施加压力,并且说话者与说话内容之间的关系始终存在相关和重要。在担任这一职务时,佩雷尔曼(Perelman)隐含地复兴了经典的按字符举证的概念(精神或“民族主义”论据),但是尽管对行为和辩论中的人进行了广泛的讨论,但《新修辞学》并没有过多考虑古典概念并造成混淆传统上采取不同的方法。结果是,佩雷尔曼仅通过引用抽象技术来对待说话者在辩论中的作用,而没有认识到检查特定案例的重要性,以加深对民族主义辩论在其实际使用的复杂,所处上下文中如何工作的理解。因此,佩雷尔曼(Perelman)对人在争论中的作用的叙述应通过参考案例研究加以补充,为此,我认为W.E.B.中的民族主义争论。杜波依斯(Du Bois)的著名文章《布克·华盛顿先生及其他人》。



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