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Comparing the Argumentum Model of Topics to Other Contemporary Approaches to Argument Schemes: The Procedural and Material Components


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This paper focuses on the inferential configuration of arguments, generally referred to as argument scheme. After outlining our approach, denominated Argumentum Model of Topics (AMT, see Rigotti and Greco Morasso 2006, 2009; Rigotti 2006, 2008, 2009), we compare it to other modern and contemporary approaches, to eventually illustrate some advantages offered by it. In spite of the evident connection with the tradition of topics, emerging also from AMT’s denomination, its involvement in the contemporary dialogue on argument schemes should not be overlooked. The model builds in particular on the theoretical and methodological perspective of pragma-dialectics in its extended version, reconciling dialectic and rhetoric; nevertheless, it also takes into account numerous other contributions to the study of argument schemes. Aiming at a representation of argument schemes able to monitor the inferential cohesion and completeness of arguments, AMT focuses on two components of argument scheme that could be distinguished, readapting pragma-dialectical terms, as procedural and material respectively. The procedural component is based on the semantic-ontological structure, which generates the inferential connection from which the logical form of the argument is derived. The material component integrates into the argument scheme the implicit and explicit premises bound to the contextual common ground (Rigotti 2006). In this paper, the comparison of the AMT to other approaches focuses on the inferential configuration of arguments and not on the typologies of argument schemes and on the principles they are based on, which the authors intend to tackle in a further paper.
机译:本文重点讨论参数的推论配置,通常称为参数方案。在概述了称为主题论点模型的方法(AMT,请参见Rigotti和Greco Morasso 2006,2009; Rigotti 2006,2008,2009)之后,我们将其与其他现代和当代方法进行了比较,以最终说明其提供的一些优势。尽管与主题的传统有着明显的联系,而且同样源于AMT的名称,但也不应忽略其在现代辩论方案中的参与。该模型特别建立在扩展版本的语用辩证法的理论和方法论观点的基础上,兼顾了辩证法和修辞学。但是,它也考虑了对论证方案研究的许多其他贡献。为了表示能够监视论证推断的内聚性和完整性的论证方案,AMT着重讨论了可以区分的论证方案的两个组成部分,分别重新适应了语用和方言用语,分别是程序和材料。程序组件基于语义本体结构,该语义本体结构生成推论连接,从该推论连接导出自变量的逻辑形式。物质成分将与上下文共同基础相关联的隐式和显式前提整合到论证方案中(Rigotti 2006)。在本文中,AMT与其他方法的比较着重于论证的推论配置,而不是论证方案的类型及其所基于的原则,这是作者打算在进一步的论文中解决的。



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