首页> 外文期刊>Architectural record >In the early 19605, Don Wexler's graceful steel houses revolutionized home design and made the California desert sparkle with Modernist gems

In the early 19605, Don Wexler's graceful steel houses revolutionized home design and made the California desert sparkle with Modernist gems

机译:在19605年初,唐·韦克斯勒(Don Wexler)优美的钢屋彻底改变了家居设计,并用现代主义宝石使加州沙漠熠熠生辉

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How many times have we heard that the future of the American home lies in steel? Or that the customized factory-built house is right around the corner? Whether it's the sexy post-and-beam framing of the Case Study House program or the stucco-clad steel-stud framing that promises "you'll never know it's steel!" the stories are frustratingly futile. Wood always wins. Most midcentury houses that defied convention prevail only as pedigreed collectibles. Nonetheless, supporters are still out there, arguing for them not as artifacts but as robust prototypes. In Palm Springs back in the early 1950s, well-known local architect Don Wexler recognized he could harness an innovative new system for school classrooms devised by Bernard Perlin, a civil engineer, with steel fabricator Calcor Corporation. Faced with a rapidly increasing population, the local school district challenged the two men to design classrooms cheaper than $10 per square foot. The steel-panel system they delivered also proved quick to build, aesthetically striking, and, above all, durable for generations of kids and maintenance workers.
机译:我们多少次听说过美国房屋的未来在于钢铁?还是定制的工厂建造房屋就在拐角处?无论是案例研究之家计划的性感柱梁框架,还是灰泥包裹的钢钉框架,它们都承诺“您永远不会知道它是钢!”这些故事徒劳无功。伍德总是赢家。中世纪大多数违反惯例的房屋仅以纯种收藏品盛行。尽管如此,支持者仍然在那里,认为它们不是工件,而是坚固的原型。早在1950年代初期的棕榈泉市,当地著名建筑师Don Wexler意识到他可以利用由土木工程师Bernard Perlin与钢铁制造商Calcor Corporation合作设计的用于学校教室的创新系统。面对快速增长的人口,当地学区向这两个人发起挑战,要求他们设计低于每平方英尺10美元的教室。他们交付的钢板系统也证明了其快速建造,美观的外观,并且最重要的是,对于几代孩子和维修工人来说,其坚固耐用。



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