首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Research >Comparative analysis of reproductive performance between spring and autumn forms of Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus, Bordin, 1897: with an emphasis on sex steroids and milt quality

Comparative analysis of reproductive performance between spring and autumn forms of Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus, Bordin, 1897: with an emphasis on sex steroids and milt quality


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To compare the reproductive performance of spring and autumn forms of Persian sturgeon males, Acipenser persicus, the relative abundance of spermiating and non-spermiating males, milt quality, sex steroids and cortisol were investigated after pituitary preparation (PP) treatment and at the time of spermiation. Our results showed that higher numbers of spring males are spermiated after PP treatment than autumn individuals. The autumn spermiating males had higher and lower values of sperm density and duration of motility than spring males respectively. The milt volume was higher in spring males than in autumn individuals. The percentage of motility was statistically equal in both the groups examined. In both forms of brooders, the serum levels of testosterone (T), 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT), progesterone (P), 17, 20β, 21-trihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (20βS) and cortisol (C) increased after PP treatment, although such increases did not occur in non-spermiating males. Our results showed the probable involvement of 20βs, P, T, 11-KT and C in the final maturation of Persian sturgeon. In addition, it was demonstrated that the spring form of Persian sturgeon shows better reproductive performance than the autumn form in terms of a response to artificial induction and milt quality.
机译:为了比较春季和秋季形式的波斯st鱼雄性,A管蛇的生殖能力,垂体准备(PP)处理后以及在精子我们的结果表明,PP处理后春季男性的精子数量比秋季个体高。秋季生精雄性的精子密度和运动持续时间分别比春季生雄性的更高和更低。春季雄性动物的蜕皮量高于秋季个体。在两组中,运动的百分比在统计学上均相等。在两种形式的育雏器中,血清睾丸激素(T),11-酮睾丸酮(11-KT),孕酮(P),17、20β,21-三羟基-4-孕烯-3-酮(20βS)和皮质醇( C)PP治疗后增加,尽管这种增加在非绝育的男性中没有发生。我们的结果表明,可能有20βs,P,T,11-KT和C参与了波斯st的最终成熟。另外,已经证明,在对人工诱导和鱼鳞品质的响应方面,波斯st鱼的春季形式显示出比秋季形式更好的繁殖性能。



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