首页> 外文期刊>繊维製品消费科学 >Design Images and Fashion Consciousness by Gender and Age using 3D-Garment Simulations: Focusing on Adult Women, Young Women, and Men - (Part 2) Relationship between Design Images and Appearance Elements for Adult Women's dresses

Design Images and Fashion Consciousness by Gender and Age using 3D-Garment Simulations: Focusing on Adult Women, Young Women, and Men - (Part 2) Relationship between Design Images and Appearance Elements for Adult Women's dresses


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Thecom monalities and differences in consciousness of four design image factors (PC1:A1.Lady & Feminine and A5. Elegant - A3. Casual, PC2: A4. Standard & Retro -A2. Sharp & Modern Image Styles) and fifty-five 3D-garment appearance elements (El) for gender and age gaps of A. group, Y. group,and M.group were extracted for the purpose of defining consumer fashion consciousness when selecting eco-efficient imaginary garments using IT based on part 1 of previous paper. The relationships between El and PC1 or PC2 scores of four images extracted the common El constructions of A1&A5 and A4 regardless of those gaps, and the different El constructions of A2 between A. and Y. & M. groups and A3 between M. and A.&Y.groups based those gaps. Each image was principally comprised of Garment Style, Impression Given to Other, and Situation and Setting items: A1&A5; Formal-garments - Skirt suit and Fitting Fit with a favorable Impression on Older-age. A4; Skirt and One-piece - Loose Fit with a Big Figure Impression etc. A3 and A2; T-shirts and Pants of Deep color Styles, A2 of A. group; Semiformal-Like and Shopping garments - Pants suit, Fitting Fit, Glossy-material with Slim Figure Impression etc. A1&A5 and A2 of Y. & M. groups; Semiformal-Like garments - A2 of A. group items plus Jacket & Pants etc. A3 of M.group; A3 and A2 items plus Private, Family, and Shopping garments etc.
机译:四种设计图像因素(PC1:A1.Lady&Feminine和A5。典雅-A3。休闲,PC2:A4。标准和复古-A2。鲜明和现代的图像样式)和55种3D-图像的共同点和意识差异。提取了A.组,Y。组和M.group的性别和年龄差距的服装外观元素(El),目的是在基于IT的前提下使用IT选择生态高效的假想服装时定义消费者的时尚意识。 。 El与四个图像的PC1或PC2分数之间的关系提取了A1&A5和A4的常见El结构,而不考虑这些间隙,以及A.和Y.&M.组之间A2的不同El结构以及M.和A之间的A3。 。&Y.groups弥补了这些差距。每个图像主要由服装样式,给他人的印象以及情况和设置项目组成:A1&A5;正式服装-裙装和合身款式对年长者有良好的印象。 A4;半身裙和一件式连身裙-宽松款式,带大人物印象,A3和A2; A.组A2的深色风格的T恤和裤子;半正式服装和购物服装-裤子套装,合身剪裁,有苗条身材的光面材料等。Y.&M.组的A1&A5和A2;半正式服装-A.组项目的A2加上夹克和裤子等。M.group的A3; A3和A2物品以及私人,家庭和购物服装等。



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