首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity >New chicane magnet design for insertion device straights at the Advanced Light Source

New chicane magnet design for insertion device straights at the Advanced Light Source


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A chicane magnet incorporating counter-rotating permanent magnet pairs together with trim coils has been designed for use in the Advanced Light Source (ALS) straights in conjunction with two insertion devices. In particular, this design is being developed for use in the existing beam line (BL) 4 elliptically polarizing undulator (EPU) straight and in the BL11 EPU straight, currently under design and construction. The purpose of the chicane is to provide a fixed angular separation between two successive EPU photon fans, and to correct steering perturbations resulting from EPU polarization state changes. Polarization changes occur on the time scale of one second; associated steering corrections must be accomplished in less than a second. Hysteresis associated with conventional iron core electromagnets prevents fast steering correction to the required precision. This consideration motivated the iron-free design presented here.
机译:设计了一种将反向旋转的永磁体对与修整线圈结合在一起的锥角磁体,可与两个插入设备一起用于高级光源(ALS)直线。尤其是,正在开发这种设计,以用于目前正在设计和建造中的现有光束线(BL)4椭圆偏振波荡器(EPU)直线和BL11 EPU直线中。弯锥的目的是在两个连续的EPU光子风扇之间提供固定的角度间隔,并纠正由EPU偏振态变化引起的转向扰动。极化变化发生在一秒的时间尺度上。相关的转向校正必须在不到一秒钟的时间内完成。与常规铁芯电磁体相关的磁滞会阻止快速转向校正至所需的精度。这种考虑激发了此处介绍的无铁设计。



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