首页> 外文期刊>Applied Physics Letters >Terahertz induced transparency in single-layer graphene

Terahertz induced transparency in single-layer graphene


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We show that the transmission of a terahertz (THz) pulse through single-layer graphene is strongly nonlinear. As the peak electric field of the THz pulse exceeds 50 kV/cm, the graphene becomes increasingly transparent to the THz radiation. When field strength reaches 800 kV/cm, the increased transparency corresponds to a two-fold decrease in the time-average sheet conductivity of the graphene (time averaged over the duration of the pulse). Time-resolved measurements reveal that the leading portion of the pulse creates transparency for the trailing portion, with a 10-fold suppression in sheet conductivity at the tail of the strongest THz pulse. Comparing the THz-induced transparency phenomena in different sample geometries shows that substrate-free graphene is the best geometry for maximizing the nonlinear transparency effect.
机译:我们表明,通过单层石墨烯传输太赫兹(THz)脉冲是强烈非线性的。当太赫兹脉冲的峰值电场超过50 kV / cm时,石墨烯对太赫兹辐射变得越来越透明。当场强达到800 kV / cm时,增加的透明度对应于石墨烯的时均片电导率(在脉冲持续时间内平均的时间)降低两倍。时间分辨的测量结果表明,脉冲的前导部分为尾随部分提供了透明度,在最强的THz脉冲的尾部,薄层电导率得到了10倍的抑制。比较不同样品几何形状中太赫兹引起的透明现象,可以看出无基质石墨烯是使非线性透明效果最大化的最佳几何形状。



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