首页> 外文期刊>Applied and environmental soil science >Impact of Different Land-Use Systems on Soil Physicochemical Properties and Macrofauna Abundance in the Humid Tropics of Cameroon

Impact of Different Land-Use Systems on Soil Physicochemical Properties and Macrofauna Abundance in the Humid Tropics of Cameroon


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The impact of different land-use systems on some soil physicochemical properties and macrofauna abundance in the humid tropics of Cameroon was studied. The land-use types included secondary forest (SF), oil palm plantation (PP), banana plantation (BP), sugarcane plantation (SP), and rubber plantation (RP). Soil particle size distribution, bulk density (BD), pH, organic matter (OM), and number of macrofauna were evaluated. The results showed that OM and number of macrofauna were higher in the SF than in the other land-use types. Pearson's correlation analysis carried out to determine the relationship between OM and BD showed that OM and BD was strongly negatively related with correlation coefficient of -0.9653. It also showed a strong significant negative correlation between BD and ants population (r=-0.8828) and between soil pH and number of earthworms (r=-0.9072). Based on the results, the SF produced more organic matter and higher number of macrofauna. However, the OM of the other land uses was not low; hence, it could be beneficial to return plant residues to the field for maintaining soil quality.
机译:研究了不同土地利用系统对喀麦隆潮湿热带地区土壤理化性质和宏指令丰富的影响。土地使用类型包括二级林(SF),油棕种植园(PP),香蕉种植​​园(BP),甘蔗种植园(SP)和橡胶园(RP)。评估土壤粒度分布,堆积密度(BD),pH,有机物(OM)和大量的大重新发血。结果表明,SF的OM和Macrofauna的数量高于其他土地使用类型。 Pearson的相关分析进行了确定OM和BD之间的关系表明,OM和BD与-0.9653的相关系数强烈呈负相关。它还表现出BD和蚂蚁群体(R = -0.8828)之间的强大的负相关性,并且在土壤pH和蚯蚓数之间(R = -0.9072)。基于结果,SF产生了更多有机物和较高数量的宏味。然而,其他土地使用的OM不低;因此,将植物残留物返回到用于保持土壤质量的领域可能是有益的。



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