首页> 外文期刊>Applied Energy >Novel high accurate sensorless dual-axis solar tracking system controlled by maximum power point tracking unit of photovoltaic systems

Novel high accurate sensorless dual-axis solar tracking system controlled by maximum power point tracking unit of photovoltaic systems


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In this study, a novel high accurate sensorless dual-axis solar tracker controlled by the maximum power point tracking unit available in almost all photovoltaic systems is proposed. The maximum power point tracking controller continuously calculates the maximum output power of the photovoltaic module/panel/array, and uses the altitude and azimuth angles deviations to track the sun direction where the greatest value of the maximum output power is extracted. Unlike all other sensorless solar trackers, the proposed solar tracking system is a closed loop system which means it uses the actual direction of the sun at any time to track the sun direction, and this is the contribution of this work. The proposed solar tracker has the advantages of both sensor based and sensorless dual-axis solar trackers, but it does not have their disadvantages. Other sensorless solar trackers all are open loop, i.e., they use offline estimated data about the sun path in the sky obtained from solar map equations, so low exactness, cloudy sky, and requiring new data for new location are their problems. A photovoltaic system has been built, and it is experimentally verified that the proposed solar tracking system tracks the sun direction with the tracking error of 0.11 degrees which is less than the tracking errors of other both sensor based and sensorless solar trackers. An increase of 28.8-43.6% depending on the seasons in the energy efficiency is the main advantage of utilizing the proposed solar tracking system. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在这项研究中,提出了一种新型的高精度无传感器双轴太阳跟踪器,该跟踪器由几乎所有光伏系统中可用的最大功率点跟踪单元控制。最大功率点跟踪控制器连续计算光伏模块/面板/阵列的最大输出功率,并使用高度和方位角偏差来跟踪太阳方向,在该方向上提取最大输出功率的最大值。与所有其他无传感器太阳能跟踪器不同,拟议的太阳能跟踪系统是一个闭环系统,这意味着它可以随时使用太阳的实际方向来跟踪太阳方向,这就是这项工作的贡献。所提出的太阳能跟踪器具有基于传感器和无传感器的双轴太阳能跟踪器的优点,但是没有缺点。其他无传感器的太阳跟踪器都是开环的,即它们使用从太阳图方程获得的有关天空中太阳路径的离线估计数据,因此准确性低,多云,需要新数据进行新位置是他们的问题。已经建立了光伏系统,并通过实验验证了所提出的太阳能跟踪系统以0.11度的跟踪误差跟踪太阳方向,该跟踪误差小于其他基于传感器和无传感器的太阳能跟踪器的跟踪误差。根据季节的不同,能效提高28.8-43.6%是使用建议的太阳能跟踪系统的主要优势。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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