首页> 外文期刊>Applied Clay Science >Adsorption and aggregation of a cationic cyanine dye on layered clay minerals

Adsorption and aggregation of a cationic cyanine dye on layered clay minerals


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The adsorption and aggregation of a cationic cyanine dye, l,l'-diethyl-2,2'-cyanine (pseudoiso- cyanine; abbreviated as PIC), on various clays have been investigated. The PIC formed J-aggre- gates on Na-montmorillonite and synthetic Na--tluor-tetrasilicic mica (TSM), while they distributed molecularly on synthetic Na--saponite and synthetic Na-hectorites. The particle size of the clays was considered to be a dominant factor to control the aggregation of PIC. The J-aggregate formation was suppressed when tetramethylammonium--montmorillonite was employed as a host material. Ethylene glycol in the suspension was also responsible for the suppression of J-aggregate formation of PlC. Thus, the aggregation of PlC was effectively controlled by the species surrounding the PIC cations as well as the nature of clays.
机译:已经研究了阳离子花青染料,1,1'-二乙基-2,2'-花青(伪异花青;缩写为PIC)在各种粘土上的吸附和聚集。 PIC在钠蒙脱石和合成钠-四硅云母(TSM)上形成J-聚集体,而它们分子分布在合成钠皂石和合成钠锂蒙脱石上。粘土的粒径被认为是控制PIC聚集的主要因素。当使用四甲基铵-蒙脱石作为主体材料时,J聚集体的形成受到抑制。悬浮液中的乙二醇也负责抑制J-聚集体形成PlC。因此,PIC离子的聚集通过PIC阳离子周围的物质以及粘土的性质得到有效控制。



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