首页> 外文期刊>Applied Acoustics >Multiple comb filters and autocorrelation of the multi-scale product for multi-pitch estimation

Multiple comb filters and autocorrelation of the multi-scale product for multi-pitch estimation


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This paper presents a new method that estimates the fundamental frequency in the case of a real noisy environment when many persons speak at the satne time and considers the case of two speakers. It essentially gives an accurate estimation of the pitch characterizing the second speaker. The first pitch is determining by detecting the Autocorrelation of the Multi-scale Product (AMP) of the mixture signal. Then a multiple-comb filters is applied to eliminate the dominant signal. After subtracting the resulting signal from the mixture, we obtain the residual signal. Next, we reapply the AMP to the obtained signal to estimate the second pitch. We get a matrix of the second pitch candidates. We classify its elements into three groups. After, we calculate the mean of each column of the appropriate selected group. Finally, the intrusion pitches of each frame are obtained. Experiments are performed using Cooke database. The results show the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed approach. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:本文提出了一种新的方法,该方法可以估计在实际嘈杂的环境中当许多人在开会时讲话时的基本频率,并考虑两个讲话者的情况。本质上,它可以准确估算出第二个扬声器的音高。第一音调是通过检测混合信号的多尺度乘积(AMP)的自相关来确定的。然后,应用多梳状滤波器以消除主导信号。从混合物中减去结果信号后,我们获得了残留信号。接下来,我们将AMP应用于获得的信号以估计第二个音调。我们得到第二个音调候选者的矩阵。我们将其元素分为三类。之后,我们计算适当选择的组的每一列的平均值。最终,获得每一帧的侵入间距。使用Cooke数据库进行实验。结果表明了该方法的鲁棒性和有效性。 (C)2017 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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