首页> 外文期刊>Applied Acoustics >Effect of self-adjustable masking noise on open-plan office worker's concentration, task performance and attitudes

Effect of self-adjustable masking noise on open-plan office worker's concentration, task performance and attitudes


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The aim of this study was to investigate the attitudes of workers in an open-plan office towards concentration, task performance and co-worker interaction when wearing earphones with masking noise and when not wearing earphones. The earphones with masking noise were evaluated over the course of a working day and the level of the office noise varied between 51 and 59 dBA. The spectrum of the masking noise was brown noise modified by a PC audio controller and earphones (the spectrum of the modified brown noise was substantially different to that of brown masking noise). The participants were instructed to adjust the masking level to be loud enough to mask any offending office sound but not too loud to cause discomfort. The questionnaire based quantitative study (Study 1, n = 28) indicates that disturbance to concentration and task performance is reduced by modified brown masking noise thereby confirming previous studies. However all the participants in the qualitative study, which involved both open ended questionnaire and focus group interviews, (Study 2, n = 28 for open ended questionnaire and 12 for focus groups) identified that they would not use earphones with modified brown masking noise to counteract office noise. An important reason for this is that modified brown masking noise obscured nearby relevant conversations, which participants identified as being crucial to the success of their overall work task. Other participants rejected the brown masking noise delivered through earphones as it caused irritation and discomfort. It is recommended that future studies into the effectiveness of masking noise in open-plan offices should include consideration of the relevance of nearby conversations. Future studies should also consider other types of masking noise and should measure the level and duration of the masking noise.
机译:这项研究的目的是调查在佩戴带屏蔽噪音的耳机和不佩戴耳机的开放式办公室中的工作人员对注意力,任务绩效和同事互动的态度。在一天的工作过程中对具有掩盖噪音的耳机进行了评估,办公室噪音水平在51至59 dBA之间变化。掩蔽噪声的频谱是由PC音频控制器和耳机修改的棕色噪声(修改后的棕色噪声的频谱与棕色掩蔽噪声的频谱实质上不同)。指示参与者调整掩蔽级别,使其足够大以掩盖任何令人讨厌的办公室声音,但又不要太大以至于引起不适。基于问卷的定量研究(研究1,n = 28)表明,修改后的棕色掩蔽噪声可降低对注意力和任务绩效的干扰,从而证实了先前的研究。但是,定性研究的所有参与者都涉及开放式问卷和焦点小组访谈(研究2,开放式问卷,n = 28,焦点小组12,研究),他们不会使用带有棕色掩蔽噪声的耳机抵消办公室的噪音。一个重要的原因是,经过修改的棕色掩盖噪音使附近的相关对话变得模糊,参与者认为这对他们整体工作任务的成功至关重要。其他参与者拒绝通过耳机传递的棕色掩盖噪音,因为它会引起刺激和不适。建议将来对开放式办公室中掩盖噪声的有效性的研究应包括考虑附近对话的相关性。未来的研究还应考虑其他类型的掩蔽噪声,并应测量掩蔽噪声的水平和持续时间。



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