首页> 外文期刊>Anthropology and Humanism >Poiesis of Possibility: The Ethnographic Sensibilities of Ursula K. Le Guin

Poiesis of Possibility: The Ethnographic Sensibilities of Ursula K. Le Guin

机译:Poiesis的可能性:厄休拉·K·勒·古恩(Ursula K. Le Guin)的民族志敏感性

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This article explores some of the ways Ursula Le Guin (daughter of famed anthropologist Alfred L. Kroeber) uses ethnographic modes of writing and anthropological insights in her works of social science fiction. It is based on a close reading of her fiction and an e-interview with the author. While science fiction may seem a far cry from ethnography, careful attention to the critical functions of Le Guin's fiction can shed light on some of the underlying assumptions and implications of the ethnographic imagination and writing. As Le Guin herself has observed, anthropologists and novelists share common traits and often find themselves writing about similar things.
机译:本文探讨了Ursula Le Guin(著名的人类学家Alfred L. Kroeber的女儿)在她的社会科幻小说中运用人种志形式和人类学见解的一些方式。它基于对她的小说的仔细阅读和对作者的电子访谈。虽然科幻小说似乎与民族志学相去甚远,但仔细注意勒金小说的关键功能可以揭示民族志学想象力和写作的一些基本假设和含义。正如勒金(Le Guin)自己所观察到的,人类学家和小说家有着共同的特征,并且经常发现自己在写类似的东西。



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