首页> 外文期刊>The Annals of Occupational Hygiene >Heat Stress and Protective Clothing: an Emerging approach from the United States

Heat Stress and Protective Clothing: an Emerging approach from the United States


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There is little doubt that heat stress affects many workers adversely and that protective clothing generally adds to the burden. The ACGIH threshold limit value for heat stress is the guiding document for evaluation of heat stress in the United States. Adjustment factors have been used to reflect the change in hear stress imposed by different clothing ensembles. While the first proposed factors started with limited experimental data and professional judgment, heat balance methods in the laboratory have yielded better estimates of adjustment factors and for a wider selection of ensembles.
机译:毫无疑问,热应力会对许多工人产生不利影响,而且防护服通常会增加负担。 ACGIH热应力阈值极限值是评估美国热应力的指导性文件。调整因子已用于反映不同服装组施加的听力压力的变化。虽然最初提出的因素始于有限的实验数据和专业判断,但实验室中的热平衡方法已对调节因子和更广泛的乐团选择产生了更好的估计。



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