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Activated-Ion Electron Transfer Dissociation Improves the Ability of Electron Transfer Dissociation to Identify Peptides in a Complex Mixture


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Using a modified electron transfer dissociation (ETD)-nenabled quadrupole linear ion trap (QLT) mass spectrometer,nwe demonstrate the utility of IR activation concomitantnwith ETD ion-ion reactions (activated-ion ETD,nAI-ETD). Analyzing 12 strong cation exchanged (SCX)nfractions of a LysC digest of human cell protein extractnusing ETD, collision-activated dissociation (CAD), and AIETD,nwe find that AI-ETD generates 13 405 peptidenspectral matches (PSMs) at a 1% false-discovery rate (1%nFDR), surpassing both ETD (7 968) and CAD (10 904).nWe also analyze 12 SCX fractions of a tryptic digest ofnhuman cell protein extract and find that ETD producesn6 234 PSMs, AI-ETD 9 130 PSMs, and CAD 15 209nPSMs. Compared to ETD with supplemental collisionalnactivation (ETcaD), AI-ETD generates ∼80% more PSMsnfor the whole cell lysate digested with trypsin and ∼50%nmore PSMs for the whole cell lysate digested with LysC.
机译:使用改良的启用电子转移解离(ETD)的四极线性离子阱(QLT)质谱仪,我们证明了IR活化与ETD离子反应(活化离子ETD,nAI-ETD)相伴的实用性。分析使用ETD,碰撞激活解离(CAD)和AIETD提取的人类细胞蛋白的LysC消化液的12种强阳离子交换(SCX)馏分,我们发现AI-ETD以1%的错误产生了13405个肽谱匹配(PSM)发现率(1%nFDR),超过了ETD(7 968)和CAD(10 904)。n我们还分析了人类细胞蛋白提取物胰蛋白酶消化物中的12种SCX组分,发现ETD产生了6234种PSM,AI-ETD 9130 PSM和CAD 15 209nPSM。与具有补充碰撞激活作用(ETcaD)的ETD相比,AI-ETD对于用胰蛋白酶消化的全细胞裂解液产生的PSMs增加约80%,对于用LysC消化的全细胞裂解液产生的PSMs上升约50%。



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