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Rapid LC-MS Drug Metabolite Profiling Using Microsomal Enzyme Bioreactors in a Parallel Processing Format


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There were three unfortunate errors which occurrednwhile writing this article. The first is the labeling ofn5-hydroxydiclofenac (5OH-DCF) as 5′-hydroxydiclofenacnthroughout the whole article (Figure 1, Scheme 2, andnin several parts of the text). The hydroxylation ofndiclofenac by Cyt P450 3A4 leads to 5-hydroxydiclofenacnand not 5′-hydroxydiclofenac. The second error occurrednin Scheme 2a, where we have mistakenly labeled CytnP450 2C8 instead of Cyt P450 2C9 as the enzymenresponsible for the metabolism of diclofenac into 4′-nhydroxydiclofenac (not 4-hydroxydiclofenac (4-OH-nDCF)). Cyt P450 2C9 is the enzyme responsible for thenmetabolism of diclofenac into 4′-hydroxydiclofenac (4′-nOH-DCF). The third and final error is in the interchang-ning of ref 6 with ref 7. Reference 6 should be Chang,nM.; Kim, E. J.; El-Shourbagy, T. A. Rapid Commun. MassnSpectrom. 2007, 21,64 72. Reference 7 should benCarlson, T. J.; Fisher, M. B. Comb. Chem. High Through-nput Screening 2008, 11, 258 264.
机译:撰写本文时发生了三个不幸的错误。首先,在整篇文章中将n5-羟基双氯芬酸(5OH-DCF)标记为5'-羟基双氯芬酸(图1,方案2,以及本文的多个部分)。 Cyt P450 3A4对双氯芬酸的羟基化作用产生5-羟基双氯芬酸而不是5'-羟基双氟芬酸。第二个错误发生在方案2a中,其中我们错误地将CytnP450 2C8而不是Cyt P450 2C9标记为负责双氯芬酸代谢成4'-nhydroxydiclofenac(不是4-hydroxydiclofenac(4-OH-nDCF))的酶。 Cyt P450 2C9是负责双氯芬酸向4'-羟基双氯芬酸(4'-nOH-DCF)代谢的酶。第三个也是最后一个错误是参考文献6与参考文献7的互换。参考文献6应该是Chang,nM。金恩杰; El-Shourbagy,T。A.快速通讯。 MassnSpectrom。 2007,21,6472。参考文献7应该是Ben Carlson,T. J .; Fisher,M。B. Comb。化学高通量筛选2008,11,258 264。



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