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One Continuous Fight: The Retreat From Gettysburg And The Pursuit Of Lee's Army Of Northern Virginia, July 4-14, 1863


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There is absolutely no shortage of book-length treatments of Gettysburg, nor is there ever likely to be one. But few serious efforts have been made to document Robert E. Lee's retreat following the epic three-day battle in July 1863, and the Army of Northern Virginia's subsequent recrossing of the Potomac River 10 days later. One Continuous Fight, by Eric Wittenberg, J.D. Petruzzi and Michael Nugent, claims to rectify that situation and finally give the reader "the full story of the retreat." In telling the "full" story, the authors arrange the text chronologically, starting on July 4 and running through July 14, even though the they rightfully point out that the campaign truly ended closer to the end of July when the opposing armies were once again facing each other across the Rappahannock. (Official reports at the time also treated this as the close of the campaign.) Nevertheless, the authors proceed to treat the last two weeks (July 15 onward) in a short epilogue, which unfortunately is one of the book's shortcomings.
机译:葛底斯堡绝对不乏书本式的治疗方法,也永远不会有这种方法。但是,在记录了罗伯特·E·李(Robert E. Lee)在1863年7月进行的为期三天的史诗般的战斗以及北弗吉尼亚陆军随后在10天后越过波托马克河后的撤退工作时,并没有做出任何认真的努力。埃里克·维滕伯格(Eric Wittenberg),J.D。Petruzzi和迈克尔·纽金特(Michael Nugent)提出的“持续战斗”主张纠正这种情况,并最终向读者提供“撤退的全部内容”。在讲述“完整”故事时,作者按时间顺序排列了案文,从7月4日开始,一直持续到7月14日,尽管他们正确地指出,战役真正结束于7月底,当时对立军队再次出现在Rappahannock面对彼此。 (当时的官方报告也将这视为竞选活动的结束。)尽管如此,作者还是以简短的结尾来对待最后两周(从7月15日开始),不幸的是,这是本书的缺点之一。



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