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The Palestine Question in the 1940s and the Emergence of the Arab Lobby in Canada


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In the early 1940s, Arab lobbying activities started to be noticeable in Canada. In 1944 the Canadian Arab Friendship League was founded in Montreal by Muhammad Said Massoud, a Druze emigrant from Lebanon. The League soon became the spearhead of Arab lobbying activity in Canada. Its declared goal was to improve Canada's relations with the Arab world, yet in the second half of the 1940s its main focus of interest was to struggle against the partitioning of Palestine and the establishment of a Jewish state there.
机译:在1940年代初期,阿拉伯的游说活动开始在加拿大引起注意。 1944年,来自黎巴嫩的德鲁兹移民穆罕默德·赛义德·马苏德(Muhammad Said Massoud)在蒙特利尔建立了加拿大阿拉伯友谊联盟。联盟很快成为阿拉伯在加拿大游说活动的先锋。其宣布的目标是改善加拿大与阿拉伯世界的关系,但在1940年代下半叶,其主要关注点是与巴勒斯坦的分裂和在那里建立一个犹太国家作斗争。



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