首页> 外文期刊>American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine >Effects of inhaled nitric oxide or inhibition of endogenous nitric oxide formation on hyperoxic lung injury

Effects of inhaled nitric oxide or inhibition of endogenous nitric oxide formation on hyperoxic lung injury


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Nitric oxide (NO) may either protect against or contribute to oxidant-induced lung injury. In this study, we sought to determine whether either inhaled NO in concentration of 10 and 100 parts per million (ppm) or inhibition of endogenous NO formation with L-NG nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME) or aminoguanidine alters the extent of lung injury in rats breathing 100/100 O_2. Lung thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), wet to dry lung weight ratio (Q_wQ_D), vascular and epithelial permeability (assessed by simultaneous intravenous administration of ~131l-labeled albumin and intraalveolar instillation of ~125l-labeled albumin), alveolar liquid clearance (evaluated based on the increase in alveolar protein concentration),and lung liquid clearance (gravimetric method) were determined after 40 h exposure to either 100/100or 21/100 O_2.
机译:一氧化氮(NO)可能会预防或导致氧化剂引起的肺损伤。在这项研究中,我们试图确定吸入浓度为百万分之10和100的百万分之一(ppm)还是通过L-NG硝基精氨酸甲酯(L-NAME)或氨基胍抑制内源性NO形成是否改变了肺损伤程度在大鼠中呼吸100/100 O_2。肺硫巴比妥酸反应物质(TBARS),肺干湿比(Q_wQ_D),血管和上皮通透性(通过同时静脉内注射〜131l标记的白蛋白和肺泡内滴注〜125l标记的白蛋白进行评估),肺泡液体清除率( (根据肺泡蛋白浓度的增加进行评估),并在暴露于100/100或21/100 O_2 40 h后确定肺液清除率(重量法)。



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