
Downsizing Sizewell


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Life is slow in the picturesque village of Sizewell on the Suffolk coast. Dog walkers amble along its pebbly beach. Small fishing boats are pulled up to rest lazily on the shore. And a ramshackle tea hut provides sustenance for those happy to brave the elements. On most days it's a sedate place where the pressures of the modern world seem a million miles away. This one-paced existence all happens in the brooding shadow of the Sizewell A nuclear power station, which is situated a couple of hundred metres up the shore. Local residents don't seem to pay the power station much attention while it, in turn, hums gently as it generates electricity for the national grid. There appears to be peaceful co-existence between the two - and it's been this way for 40 years now.
机译:在萨福克(Suffolk)海岸风景如画的Sizewell村庄,生活很慢。 walk狗者漫步在其卵石海滩上。小型渔船被拉起,懒洋洋地在岸上休息。摇摇欲坠的茶屋为那些乐于勇敢的人们提供了寄托。在大多数日子里,这里是一个静date的地方,现代世界的压力似乎在百万英里之外。这种步调一致的生活全都发生在位于海岸数百米的Sizewell A核电站的沉影中。当地居民似乎并没有给予电站太多的关注,而当它为国家电网发电时,它却轻轻地嗡嗡作响。两者之间似乎和平共处-至今已有40年了。



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