首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >The Association between Aspirin Use and the Incidence of Colorectal Cancer in Women

The Association between Aspirin Use and the Incidence of Colorectal Cancer in Women


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The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that aspirin use is associated with a decreased risk of incident colorectal cancer. From the Women's Health Initiative, 91,574 participants between the ages of 50 and 79 years at baseline in 1993–1998 provided details on aspirin use via interview using a standardized questionnaire and were subsequently followed annually for incident colorectal cancer during a period of over 6 years. For those persons who reported aspirin use, the type of compound, dose, and duration of use were recorded. Medical histories suggestive of colorectal cancers at the annual update were verified by medical record and pathology report review by trained local physician adjudicators. There were 631 confirmed cases of invasive cancer of the colon or rectum. There was no significant association between any aspirin use and risk for incident colorectal cancer (hazard ratio = 0.96, 95% confidence interval: 0.8, 1.2). Moreover, with no aspirin use as the referent category, there were no significant associations for duration of aspirin intake by category (<1, 1–<2, 2–<3, 3–<4, 4–<5, and ≥5 years) or for daily dosage by category (<165, 165–<300, 300–<495, or ≥495 mg).
机译:这项研究的目的是检验以下假设:使用阿司匹林与降低结直肠癌的风险有关。根据妇女健康倡议,1993年至1998年基线年龄在50至79岁之间的91574名参与者通过使用标准化问卷调查的方式提供了阿司匹林使用的详细信息,随后每年随访6年以上的大肠癌事件。对于那些报告使用阿司匹林的人,记录化合物的类型,剂量和使用时间。每年更新的提示大肠癌的病史已由经过培训的当地医师评审员的病历和病理报告审查进行了验证。有631例确诊的结肠或直肠浸润性癌病例。阿司匹林的使用与大肠癌风险之间无显着相关性(危险比= 0.96,95%置信区间:0.8,1.2)。此外,由于没有使用阿司匹林作为参照类别,因此没有阿司匹林摄入持续时间的显着相关性(<1、1,<2、2- <3、3- <4、4- <5和≥5年)或按类别(<165、165– <300、300– <495或≥495mg)的每日剂量。



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