首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Fetal Growth and Timing of Parturition in Humans

Fetal Growth and Timing of Parturition in Humans


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Animal studies indicate that either the fetus or the intrauterine environment, both of which set the pattern for fetal growth, may affect the timing of parturition. The authors examined the association between fetal growth and timing of spontaneous onset of labor in humans among low-risk white US women with singleton pregnancies (1987–1991). They restricted the data to pregnancies which had a reliable date of the last menstrual period, normal fetal growth in the first half of pregnancy, and no history of or current pregnancy complications that might have impaired fetal growth (n = 3,360). Subjects received ultrasound examinations at 15–22 and 31–35 weeks’ gestation. Fetal growth was adjusted for parity, fetal sex, and maternal prepregnancy weight and height. Results showed that slower or faster fetal growth in the second half of pregnancy resulted in substantially lower or higher birth weight, respectively. However, fetal growth in the second half of pregnancy, even at extremes (2 standard deviations below or above the mean), did not have a meaningful impact on the timing of parturition; neither did fetal growth acceleration or deceleration in late pregnancy. Thus, in low-risk pregnancies where fetal growth is normal in early gestation, fetal growth in the second half of pregnancy does not affect the timing of normal parturition.
机译:动物研究表明,无论是胎儿环境还是子宫内环境都可以影响胎儿的分娩时机,这两种情况都决定了胎儿的生长方式。作者研究了单胎妊娠的低风险美国白人妇女(1987-1991年)中胎儿的生长与人自然自发分娩时机之间的关系。他们将数据限制在上月经期可靠的妊娠,妊娠前半年胎儿的正常生长,没有可能损害胎儿生长的历史或当前妊娠并发症的妊娠(n = 3,360)。受试者在妊娠15-22周和31-35周时接受了超声检查。根据胎次,胎儿性别和孕产妇的体重和身高对胎儿的生长情况进行了调整。结果表明,怀孕后半段胎儿的生长速度减慢或加快,分别导致出生体重的显着降低或升高。但是,即使在极端情况下(2个标准差低于或高于平均值),妊娠后半期的胎儿生长也不会对分娩时间产生有意义的影响。妊娠晚期胎儿的生长也没有加速或减速。因此,在早孕期胎儿生长正常的低风险妊娠中,怀孕后半期的胎儿生长不会影响正常分娩的时间。



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