首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Correlates for Human Papillomavirus Vaccination of Adolescent Girls and Young Women in a Managed Care Organization

Correlates for Human Papillomavirus Vaccination of Adolescent Girls and Young Women in a Managed Care Organization


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The authors studied the characteristics of those who initiated the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine versus those who did not. Female members of Kaiser Permanente Southern California aged 9–26 years were identified and assessed for HPV vaccination between October 2006 and March 2008. Multivariable log-binomial regression was used to examine the association of the following factors with vaccine initiation: 1) demographics, 2) provider characteristics, 3) health care utilization, 4) women's health-related conditions, and 5) selected immune-related conditions. The study included 285,265 females. All analyses were stratified by 2 age groups: 9–17 years and 18–26 years. Black race (relative risk (RR)9–17 years = 0.93, RR18–26 years = 0.82), having a male primary care provider (RR9–17 years = 0.93, RR18–26 years = 0.84), and history of hospitalizations were associated with a lower likelihood of vaccine initiation. Higher neighborhood income level, physician office visits, and history of influenza vaccination (RR9–17 years = 1.20, RR18–26 years = 1.34) were associated with higher HPV vaccine uptake. Those with a history of sexually transmitted diseases were more likely and those with immune-related conditions were not less likely to initiate the HPV vaccine. These findings are helpful for interpreting the results of observational safety studies and providing insights for developing targeted HPV vaccination programs
机译:作者研究了接种人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗的人与未接种人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗的人的特征。确定并评估了2006年10月至2008年3月之间9-22岁的南加州Kaiser Permanente女性成员并进行了HPV疫苗接种评估。多对数二项式回归用于检验以下因素与疫苗接种的关联:1)人口统计学,2 )提供者的特征; 3)卫生保健的利用; 4)妇女与健康有关的状况; 5)与免疫有关的特定状况。该研究包括285265名女性。所有分析均按2个年龄段进行分层:9-17岁和18-26岁。黑人种族(相对危险度(RR)9–17岁= 0.93,RR18–26岁= 0.82),有男性初级保健提供者(RR9-17岁= 0.93,RR18–26岁= 0.84),并且有住院史与疫苗接种可能性降低有关。较高的邻里收入水平,就诊医生的病史和流感疫苗接种史(RR9-17岁= 1.20,RR18-26岁= 1.34)与HPV疫苗摄入较高有关。有性传播疾病史的人更有可能接种HPV疫苗,而那些具有免疫相关疾病的人也不太可能接种HPV疫苗。这些发现有助于解释观察性安全性研究的结果,并为制定有针对性的HPV疫苗接种计划提供见解。



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