首页> 外文期刊>Americam Journal of Epidemiology >INVITED COMMENTARY: Invited Commentary: Human Papillomavirus Infection and Risk of Cervical Precancer—Using the Right Methods to Answer the Right Questions

INVITED COMMENTARY: Invited Commentary: Human Papillomavirus Infection and Risk of Cervical Precancer—Using the Right Methods to Answer the Right Questions


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Epidemiologists are well aware of the negative consequences of measurement error in exposure and outcome variables to their ability to detect putative causal associations. However, empirical proof that remedying the misclassification problem improves estimates of epidemiologic effect is seldom examined in detail. Of all areas in cancer epidemiology, perhaps the best example of the consequences of misclassification and of the steps taken to circumvent them was the pursuit, beginning in the mid-1980s, of the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection–cervical cancer association. The stakes were high: Had the wrong conclusions been reached epidemiologists would have been led astray in the search for competing hypotheses for the sexually transmissible agent causing cervical cancer or in ascribing to HPV infection a mere ancillary role among many lifestyle, hormonal, and environmental factors. The article by Castle et al. in this issue of the Journal (Am J Epidemiol. 2010;171(2):155–163) provides a detailed account of the joint influences of improved HPV and cervical precancer measurements in gradually unveiling the strong magnitude of the underlying association between viral exposure and cervical lesion risk. In this commentary, the authors extend the findings of Castle et al. by providing additional empirical evidence in support of their arguments.
机译:流行病学家非常清楚暴露中的测量误差和结果变量对他们发现推定因果关系的负面影响。但是,很少详细检查纠正错误分类问题可以改善流行病学效应估计的经验证据。在癌症流行病学的所有领域中,关于分类错误的后果以及采取的措施的最好例证也许是从1980年代中期开始追求的人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染与宫颈癌的关系。赌注很高:如果得出错误的结论,流行病学家将误入歧途,寻找引起子宫颈癌的性传播媒介的竞争性假设,或者将HPV感染归因于许多生活方式,激素和环境因素中的辅助作用。 Castle等人的文章。该期杂志(Am J Epidemiol。2010; 171(2):155-163)提供了有关HPV改善和宫颈癌前测量的联合影响逐步揭示病毒暴露之间潜在关联的强大影响的详细说明。和宫颈病变的风险。在这篇评论中,作者扩展了Castle等人的发现。通过提供其他经验证据来支持他们的观点。



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