首页> 外文期刊>American journal of enology & viticulture >Reaction of Grape Rootstocks to Ring Nematode Mesocriconema xenoplax

Reaction of Grape Rootstocks to Ring Nematode Mesocriconema xenoplax


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The reaction of grape rootstocks to the ring nematode Mesocriconema xenoplax was studied in glasshouse experiments and in a vineyard trial. Growth of one Oregon population of M. xenoplax differed among 20 rootstock and self-rooted cultivars grown in the glasshouse for eight months. The reproductive factor, Rf (final nematode density divided by initial nematode density), was ≤0.5 for 420A Mgt rootstock and ≤2.4 for 101-14 Mgt and 110R rootstocks; Rf values ≤1 indicate high nematode resistance. Other rootstocks had Rf values between 6.9 and 52.5. Root dry weights of all varieties except 420A Mgt were reduced by M. xenoplax. In another glasshouse experiment, 420A Mgt and 101-14 Mgt were found to be resistant to one Washington State and four Oregon populations of M. xenoplax, although both were moderately susceptible to a California population. A root-stock trial was planted in 1997 in a vineyard infested with M. xenoplax. After six and seven years, population densities of M. xenoplax were lowest in vines on 420A Mgt (≤0.08 g~(-1) soil) and 101-14 Mgt (≤0.24 g~(-1) soil) rootstocks. Population densities on other rootstocks ranged from 1.25 to 4.57 g~(-1) soil. 420A Mgt produced good vine vigor and yield and showed the highest degree of M. xenoplax resistance. Rootstock 101-14 Mgt, which is widely used in Oregon, was also resistant but produced only average vigor and yield. Other common Oregon rootstocks, Riparia Gloire, 3309C, and self-rooted Pinot noir, were highly susceptible to M. xenoplax and were among the least vigorous vines.
机译:在温室试验和葡萄园试验中,研究了葡萄砧木与环线虫中型线虫的反应。在俄勒冈州,在温室中生长八个月的20个砧木和自生根栽培品种中,俄勒冈州的一种异种种群增长不同。生殖因子Rf(最终线虫密度除以初始线虫密度)对于420A Mgt砧木为≤0.5,对于101-14 Mgt和110R砧木为≤2.4; Rf值≤1表示线虫电阻高。其他砧木的Rf值在6.9和52.5之间。 Xenoplax降低了除420A Mgt以外所有品种的根干重。在另一个温室实验中,发现420A Mgt和101-14 Mgt对一个华盛顿州和四个俄勒冈州的人种M.xenoplax具有抗性,尽管它们都对加利福尼亚州的人群具有中等敏感性。根茎试验于1997年种植在异种蔓生的西班牙葡萄园中。六年和七年后,在420A Mgt(≤0.08g〜(-1)土壤)和101-14 Mgt(≤0.24 g〜(-1)土壤)砧木上,藤蔓分枝杆菌的种群密度最低。其他砧木的种群密度范围为1.25至4.57 g〜(-1)。 420A Mgt产生良好的藤本活力和产量,并显示出最高的耐异种蔓延性。在俄勒冈州广泛使用的砧木101-14 Mgt也具有抗性,但仅产生平均活力和单产。俄勒冈州的其他常见砧木,Riparia Gloire,3309C和自生根的黑皮诺(Pinot noir),都极易受到异种蔓生的影响,属于最不活跃的葡萄藤。



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