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Comment on Robert Hall's 'Controlling the Price Level'


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James Tobin discusses Fisher's compensated dollar plan and Robert Hall's proposal for controlling the price level. Fisher's idea was quite simple. It applies to a commodity, or "representative," currency as distinguished from fiat money. In Fisher's day, paper money and token coin were the predominant means of payment. The public exchanged them for real commodities, in other words, for goods and services for consumption or for the making of consumption goods. The value of currency in goods, v, was free to move in markets from day to day. The currency was at the same time redeemable by the government for one or more particular real goods, at an administratively set rates, x units of currency for one unit of a standard good. At these rates the government promised either to buy or sell. Both the United States and Britain set prices of their currencies in two standards, silver and gold, through most of the 19th century. But at the time Fisher was advocating the proposal Bob Hall is reviving today, silver had lost its status as a standard.
机译:詹姆斯·托宾(James Tobin)讨论了费舍尔的补偿美元计划和罗伯特·霍尔(Robert Hall)提出的控制价格水平的建议。费舍尔的想法很简单。它适用于不同于法定货币的商品或“代表”货币。在费舍尔时代,纸币和代币是主要的支付手段。公众将它们交换为真实商品,换句话说,交换为消费或制成消费品的商品和服务。货物的货币价值v可以每天在市场中自由移动。同时,政府可以按照行政规定的汇率将一种或多种特定的真实商品赎回为一种标准商品的x货币单位。政府承诺以这些价格进行买卖。在整个19世纪的大部分时间里,美国和英国都将货币的价格设定为银和金两种标准。但是,在费舍尔(Fisher)提倡鲍勃·霍尔(Bob Hall)今天恢复提案的时候,白银已经失去了其标准地位。



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