首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Economics and Sociology >Comments on 'Econometric Analysis of Fisher's Equation' by Peter C. B. Phillips

Comments on 'Econometric Analysis of Fisher's Equation' by Peter C. B. Phillips

机译:彼得·C·菲利普斯(Peter C.B.Phillips)对``费舍尔方程的计量经济学分析''的评论

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I am honored to discuss Peter Phillips's fascinating contribution to this volume, although my remarks are tempered by the fact that this is not my area of expertise. Ostensibly this paper is an empirical analysis of the Fisher equation; however, I view its primary contribution as providing important new econometric tools for analyzing nonsta-tionary time series. After summarizing its key theoretical contributions for the benefit of readers who are less familiar with continuous time stochastic processes, I offer my assessment of whether this elegant asymptotic approach yields new empirical insights into the Fisher equation. Overall, I think the paper leaves us with some important unresolved puzzles about the joint evolution of the nominal interest rate, the inflation rate, and the (ex post) real rate of interest. More heretically, I question whether the simple version of the Fisher equation provides a useful framework for thinking about the behav- ior of nominal interest rates, especially since the simplest versions of this equation ignore the trementdous advances in finance in the years since Fisher's death.
机译:我很荣幸地讨论彼得·菲利普斯(Peter Phillips)对这本书的杰出贡献,尽管我的言论因这不是我的专业领域而受到限制。表面上看,本文是对费舍尔方程的实证分析。但是,我认为它的主要贡献是为分析非静止时间序列提供了重要的新计量经济学工具。在总结了其主要的理论贡献以使不熟悉连续时间随机过程的读者受益之后,我对这种优雅的渐近方法是否对Fisher方程产生了新的经验见解进行了评估。总的来说,我认为该论文使我们对名义利率,通货膨胀率和实际利率(事后利率)的共同演变留下了一些未解决的重要难题。更具争议性的是,我质疑费舍尔方程的简单形式是否为思考名义利率的行为提供了有用的框架,尤其是因为该方程的最简单形式忽略了费舍尔去世以来几年来金融领域的巨大进步。



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