首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Economics and Sociology >Constructing a World Fit for Marxism : Utopia and Utopistics of Professor Wallerstein

Constructing a World Fit for Marxism : Utopia and Utopistics of Professor Wallerstein


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World system theory, founded and developed by Imman-uel Wallerstein, continues Marx's original vision of modern economy as a zero-sum game based on exploitation. Ignoring convincing criticism of Marx's economics, Wallerstein broadens spatial confines of the applicability of Marxist economics to include the whole world. Imaginatively combining Marxist and postmodernist frames of reference, Wallerstein constructs a future economic and social system reminiscent of a classical Marxist Utopia. This endeavor, which Wallerstein calls "utopistics," provides a logical conclusion to world system theory, as it finalizes a practice of defending Marxian analysis of the past and the present in terms of an imagined future.
机译:由伊曼·埃尔·沃勒斯坦(Imman-uel Wallerstein)建立和发展的世界体系理论,继承了马克思关于基于剥削的零和博弈对现代经济的最初构想。沃勒斯坦无视对马克思经济学的令人信服的批评,而是将马克思主义经济学适用性的空间范围扩大到包括整个世界。沃勒斯坦将想象的马克思主义和后现代主义的参照框架相结合,构建了一个未来的经济和社会体系,让人联想到经典的马克思主义乌托邦。沃勒斯坦称这种努力为“乌托邦主义者”,这为世界体系理论提供了合乎逻辑的结论,因为它最终确定了根据想象的未来捍卫马克思主义对过去和现在的分析的实践。



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